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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Browser daily newsletter [12 Nov 2012]

12 November 2012
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 Best of the Moment

Could Texas Become A Blue State?

Ryan Lizza | New Yorker | 12 November 2012

"In not too many years, Texas could switch from being all Republican to all Democrat. If that happens, no Republican will ever again win the White House." So what is the GOP doing to widen its appeal to Hispanic voters? Comments

How I Learned A Language In 22 Hours

Joshua Foer | Guardian | 9 November 2012

Foer says he's no natural linguist but he managed to learn an entire Lingala dictionary and converse with pygmies in northern Congo. And here's the thing: He really isn't special; it all comes down to learning techniques Comments

When A CIA Director Had Scores Of Affairs

Steven Kinzer | NYT | 10 November 2012

David Petraeus resigned as CIA director after one affair. His Cold War predecessor, Allen Dulles, had at least 100. Consorts included Clare Booth Luce, Queen Frederika of Greece. White House and press turned blind eye Comments

Obama Wins For Whom?

Michael Hudson | Michael Hudson | 9 November 2012

"Obama’s two presidential victories represent an object lesson about how the 1% managed to avoid rescuing the economy – and especially his own constituency – from today’s rush of wealth to the top" Comments

Philosophy's Mad Hatter

Richard Marshall | 3:AM | 9 November 2012

Interview with language philosopher Roy Sorensen, who describes himself as an anti-Wittgensteinian Wittgensteinian. "For Wittgenstein, philosophy is a mental illness. For me, it is an expression of mental health" Comments

Obituary: Valerie Eliot

Anonymous | Telegraph | 11 November 2012

Born in Yorkshire village where Alan Bennett was butcher's boy. TS Eliot's secretary from 1950, married him in 1957. They would "hold hands and gaze at each other like lovesick teenagers, in defiance of the 38 years between them" Comments

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