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Monday, November 12, 2012

BuzzFeed Politics: The Sins Of General David Petraeus And More!

The Sins Of General David Petraeus

Petraeus seduced America. We should never have trusted him.

"The Simpsons" Mock Karl Rove

The Simpsons' take on the Karl Rove freakout.

After Obama Victory, A Petition For States To Secede On The White House Website

At 25,000 signatures, the White House says it will respond. Potheads and UFO truthers displaced by secessionists.

"New York Post" On Petraeus: The Spy Who Shagged Me

An Austin Powers–themed cover for New York's greatest tabloid.

Watch Romney Fade Away In Real Time

Disappearing Romney tracks Mitt Romney's Facebook "like" count in real time. There's something oddly hypnotic about it.

Kyrsten Sinema Wins Arizona House Seat, First Out Bi Member Of Congress

Sinema will follow Tammy Baldwin, elected to the Senate, as the second out LGBT woman in Congress.

Time For The Republican Party To Discover The Internet

Google is not a social network, and other elementary errors.

Obama Nails The "Single Ladies" Wave

This is how you tell the president about the time he was kind of responsible for you getting engaged.

Michael Steele Floats Idea Of Running For RNC Chair Again

"It's not a bad idea."

"Dreams From My Real Father" Filmmaker Plans A Sequel

No regrets.

Anti-Zionist Group Claims Victory With Votes For Obama

Attacking Netanyahu, swinging Kiryas Joel.

Celebrity Obama Supporters Give Republicans Some Advice

"They need to understand that it's not just about rich white men. It just isn't," says Jennifer Westfeldt.

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