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Monday, November 12, 2012

BuzzFeed FWD: Web Artists Are Furious At Rihanna And Azealia Banks And More!

Web Artists Are Furious At Rihanna And Azealia Banks

Pop stars are getting called out by Tumblr artists, seapunks, and fashion mavens for stealing their style.

27 Things You Can't Do Without Facebook

The world's largest social network isn't for everyone, but it seems like every day there's more stuff you just can't do without Facebook. Sigh.

Overly Attached Girlfriend Is Now An Overly Attached Ad

For Samsung's SSD (solid state drive). Shudder.

Why MTV Doesn't Play Music Videos Anymore

"Your generation, not the one before you, not the one after you — your generation — decided to steal music."

Watch Romney Fade Away In Real Time

Disappearing Romney tracks Mitt Romney's Facebook "like" count in real time. There's something oddly hypnotic about it.

17 Bronies Review The Official "My Little Pony" iPhone Game

We went to a NYC My Little Pony meetup and asked some die-hard fans of the show to rate the new game on a scale of 1-4 hooves. But for some, four hooves were not enough.

Time For The Republican Party To Discover The Internet

Google is not a social network, and other elementary errors.

What Twitter Is Really Like In One Image

Sarah L is dead-on with this wonderful Twitter bird graphic depicting the overwhelming amount of useless information and unfunny people. Still love you, Twitter.

@BlackBerryIdeas Is The Best Tech Parody Account In A Loooonng Time

I mean at this point, some of these plans might be worth trying.

Checking In With The Big Three App Stores

The state of the three major mobile platforms, as told by their top apps.

Google Now Makes More From Ads Than The Entire Print Media Industry

It's not clear that Google-style advertising is even the biggest threat to print revenue anymore — in fact, it doesn't look that way at all. Nonetheless, this is a data point that would have seemed impossible just ten years ago.

A Life Unraveled

Alex Payne's essay on technology and the unraveling of his life: "Technology is just people, though. People like me. We get it wrong. And even when we get it right, people are people: they ignore the algorithms and recommendation engines and scores and weightings. People do what makes sense to them, then and there."

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