January 23rd, 2013Top StoryTurn a Raspberry Pi into a Personal VPN for Secure Browsing Anywhere You GoBy Melanie Pinola
It's Raspberry Pi week at Lifehacker, and all week we'll be showing you some cool DIY projects you can put together with this little miracle of a device. If you haven't bought one yet, check out our introduction to the Pi to learn more about what it is, what you'll need, and the cool stuff you can do with one (such as turning it into an XBMC media center). For a basic introduction to VPNs, check out our guide to why you should start using a VPN (then come back here). What You'll NeedSetting up your Pi as a VPN and web proxy server doesn't require any new or special hardware beyond the basics. You'll need:
We've walked you through the steps of setting up a personal VPN with Hamachi and using it with Privoxy for secure browsing before, but the steps below are updated for Linux and the Pi in particular. We'll be entering some commands in the command line and changing configuration files, but really this project is very easy to do. (Hat tip to the Raspberry Pi community for the tips and troubleshooting used in this article.) Step One: Hook Up and Configure Your Raspberry Pi
Note, however, that there's one additional step you should take when following that guide, at the end in the configuration section (before step 3, finishing configuration). Change the default keyboard layout if you're not in the UK. The reason is some of our commands require special characters (e.g., #), which the UK layout changes. If you're following the setup guide above, you can change the keyboard layout in the configuration screen. Or, after you've set up the Pi, type in: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Then follow the prompts to switch to your country's layout and then either restart (using the invoke-rc.d keyboard-setup start Step Two: Update the Raspberry Pi and Install Hamachi
First, grab the latest update: sudo apt-get update Then, install LSB (a requirement for Hamachi): sudo apt-get install --fix-missing lsb lsb-core Be patient while it updates, and then you can download the latest Hamachi build for Linux: sudo wget https://secure.logmein.com/labs/logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.86-1_armel.deb If you get errors grabbing the Hamachi for Linux download, check the download page on LogMeIn to verify the version number (e.g., and change it in the filename if necessary. Next, install Hamachi by entering: sudo dpkg -1 logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.86-1_armel.deb Step Three: Configure Hamachi on the Raspberry PiThe last step for our VPN setup is to get Hamachi running on the Pi and on our client PCs. On the Raspberry Pi, run the following to get the Pi connected to your LogMeIn account and create a new Hamachi network: sudo hamachi login sudo hamachi attach [INSERT LOGMEIN.COM EMAIL HERE] sudo hamachi set-nick [INSERT A NICKNAME FOR YOUR RASPBERRY PI] Now, on another machine, head over to LogMeIn and go to your "My Networks" section under networks. You'll see that the Pi (whatever you nicknamed it) is trying to connect and create a new network. Grant the Pi permissions and write down the network ID (a 9-digit number) for that network. Go back to the Raspberry Pi and enter: sudo hamachi do-join [THE NETWORK ID YOU WROTE DOWN] Then enter your LogMeIn password (if requested). You might need to approve the join request on LogMeIn from the other machine. Once you do so, the Pi will be part of the new VPN served by Hamachi. At LogMeIn.com, look for the virtual IP address assigned to the Pi and write that down, because you'll need it later. To be able to SSH into it and remotely control the Raspberry Pi, start the SSH server: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start Step Four: Install Hamachi on Your ComputersAlmost done! For the Windows, Mac, or Linux computers you also want to connect to the VPN, you'll need to install the Hamachi client from the download page. After you do so, you can join the new VPN (Network > Join) and SSH into the Raspberry Pi or access network files, etc. (In Windows, use a tool like Putty or in Mac/Linux use Terminal to SSH, using the Raspberry Pi's IP address assigned by Hamachi in the server field). (Optional) Step Five: Install Privoxy on the Pi and Use It as Your Computer's Web Proxy
Here are the steps to set up Privoxy on the Pi:
Now you have your Privoxy server set up on the Pi, running over the secure VPN via Hamachi. All that's left to do is set Privoxy as your proxy server on your other computers. To do that:
Then enter the IP address of the Raspberry Pi, as assigned by Hamachi, in the proxy adress. The port is 8118. To test that the proxy is working, go to http://config.privoxy.org/ and you should see a message like "This is Privoxy on Windows [IP address], port 8118, enabled." If it's not working, you'll see a message that "Privoxy is not being used." Also, when you're using a public Wi-Fi connection, visiting WhatIsMyIP.com will show a different IP address when your proxy is turned on than when it's off (the IP address should be your home's public IP address). That's it! Other Raspberry Pi VPN SolutionsThere are other ways to skin this cat, of course. Our favorite VPN tool (by a close margin over Hamachi), Open VPN is a good alternative, but may require a bit more tweaking (as well as a static IP or Dynamic DNS service provider). You can also set up a PPTD VPN (instructions via Brad Wells), which has the advantage of being supported by more devices, but again it's a little more involved. For a quick-and-dirty VPN and proxy server, though, the steps above should get you up and running in no time securely networking with your Raspberry Pi. Photo by Denise Kappa (Shutterstock), maymak (Shutterstock), Pakhnyushcha (Shutterstock), Anan Kaewkhammul (Shutterstock), A1Stock (Shutterstock), and Neyro (Shutterstock). |
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Personal VPN for Secure Browsing Anywhere You Go
The PlayStation 4 Has A New Controller, Fancy User Accounts And Impressive Specs (So Far)
January 23rd, 2013Top StoryThe PlayStation 4 Has A New Controller, Fancy User Accounts And Impressive Specs (So Far)
The information you're about to read comes from official Orbis documentation, a hive of more than 90 PDFs about the forthcoming console. The details of the files were shared with Kotaku by an individual known as SuperDae, the same person who last year attempted to sell a pair of next-gen Xbox development kits on eBay. What follows won't tell you when the PS4/Orbis is coming out or even what it's destined to be called. Our best sources are mixed on whether the new Sony console will be out late this year, to match the expected launch of the next-generation Xbox, or whether Sony will wait until 2014. What you will learn about below are some of the guts of the console (as they stand for now, at least) and how it works. Some of those details were familiar, matching things we'd heard before; others were new and refreshingly specific. SPECSWe'll begin with the specs. And before we go any further, know that these are current specs for a PS4 development kit, not the final retail console itself. So while the general gist of the things you see here may be similar to what makes it into the actual commercial hardware, there's every chance some—if not all of it—changes, if only slightly. That being the case, here's what we know is inside PS4 development kits—model # DVKT-KS000K—as of January 2013. As you'll see, some things have changed since earlier kits became available in March 2012.
The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue
January 23rd, 2013Top StoryThe NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue
The AP reported today that both the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation have joined the American Beverage Association's lawsuit against Bloomberg's proposal to limit sodas to 16 ounces in the city. They have joined on the side of the beverage industry, to be clear, which should be disconcerting to anyone under the impression that the NAACP still operates as a righteous group of crusading outsiders dedicated to justice, as they did during the civil rights era. Sadly, that's not the reality any more. Like any big, powerful institution, the NAACP has settled into a role as part of the establishment. That's not to say that it doesn't support good causes or do good things any more; it's just to point out that it is well ensconced on the list of go-to places for corporate America to turn when they want to receive an Official Blessing From The Minority Community. All great social justice organizations run this risk, if they hang around long enough. They become less likely to picket Wal-Mart, and more likely to be showered with money by Wal-Mart. Just as environmental groups can be enlisted for corporate "greenwashing," so can civil rights be enlisted for corporate blackwashing. They are relatively cheap line items in a PR budget. For a donation, companies can officially place themselves on the side of civil rights and justice, even if they don't belong there. The Hispanic Federation's annual gala is April 11, at the Waldorf-Astoria. There, they will present their "Corporate Leadership Award" to The Coca-Cola Company, which is among their funders. The NAACP has recently received a $100,000 donation from the Coca-Cola foundation, along with another $35K to the NAACP New York State Conference. They recently gave an image award to PepsiCo (which will doubtless be repaid with donations). It's quite easy for large nonprofits such as these to ensure a robust roster of future corporate funding: all they have to do is scratch these companies' backs when called upon. This is what happens with civil rights organizations become co-opted by corporate interests:
And why do these alleged civil rights organizations feel strongly enough about soda size, of all things, to call out their lawyers? Because "minority-owned delis and corner stores will end up at a disadvantage compared to grocery chains." The difficulties involved in restocking the shelves at your corner bodega are more important than the entire obesity issue in the black and Latino communities, by this pretend logic. Conjuring an objection to a health program out of the flimsiest of fabric, in order to try to undermine a program that would help to address a problem plaguing the very communities that these groups are supposed to serve. Neither the NAACP nor the Hispanic Federation have any logical reason whatsoever to be involved in the minutiae of beverage size regulation. If they do decide to enter the debate, it should be on the side of the people they're supposed to help. But the people don't write the biggest checks. [Image by Jim Cooke] |