Is writing a science or an art? Can we use the writings of an individual to measure the true depth of the subconscious – Intelligence – Imagination – Bias and Prejudices?
Writing is different from one individual to another, I want to give you a firsthand impression of mine.
Authoring is my game. My writing definitely comes from my subconscious and what I write is often a great surprise to me. Who among us knows his or her own subconscious in detail and depth? Not one, I suspect.
First book in a series.
I begin a novel with a vague idea and let it develop before my very own eyes as I become engaged with haste, so that I too can see the outcome of an adventure, a scene or an ending. Then, when I reread what is written, I am often amazed that it was no one, but me, who produced a book that could be enjoyed by others and who in most cases are just as interested in the development as the author.
Read more: http://bookstove.com/children/the-secrets-of-an-author/#ixzz1B9TJbT3v