OK, here at the Reverse Auction Research Center (http://www.reverseauctionresearch.com/) , we strive to keep you informed on every application of reverse auctions to make markets competitive for all forms of good and services. We've even covered serious ideas for better allocating and driving efficiency in health care markets (see�Reverse Auctions in Health Care: Introducing Competition for Patients �-�http://www.reverseauctionresearch.com/2010/04/reverse-auctions-in-health-care.html).
This is not quite what we had envisioned, but one woman is very happy with her reverse auction experience (although not to be a "party-pooper," she appears to have won her "service" on an unnamed pay-per-bid site). Nevertheless, here's what is likely to be the most viewed, most forwarded and most discussed reverse auction story of the week. It comes from�The Mirror�of London:
Wannabe model lands £4 boob job from reverse auction website
Just posting this story as a public service...
David Wyld, Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University and Director of the Reverse Auction Research Center (http://www.reverseauctionresearch.com/)