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Friday, December 14, 2012

Cheat Sheet - Shooting Horror in Newtown, Conn.

Today: The Shooting , Newtown, CT, School Shooting: Photos From the Scene , Rivals Protest in Cairo
Cheat Sheet: Afternoon

December 14, 2012

At least 18 children were killed on Friday in a shooting rampage at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Some 27 people are believed to be dead in total, according to the Associated Press. The gunman, an adult man whose identity has not been confirmed, was found dead inside the school, a local official told NBC News. The Daily Beast is compiling breaking updates here—including photos and tweets from the scene.


Gun-control advocates will be holding a direct-action protest at the White House at 4:30 today, pressing for stricter regulations and calling themselves "anti-massacre activists." The Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky, "devastated" by today's tragedy, hopes they succeed.


Parents waited outside Sandy Hook Elementary School in horror today as news of the mass shooting spread. See heartbreaking photos from the scene.


Rival groups staged dueling rallies in Cairo on Friday, one day before voting is expected to begin on Egypt's draft Constitution. The National Salvation Front of groups opposed to the Constitution has organized protests in Tahrir Square and outside the presidential palace to encourage voters to vote "no." They say the Constitution does too much to protect Islamic law and does not focus enough on rights and freedom. The Coalition of Islamist Forces, which is in favor of new Constitution, has arranged a rally in Nasr City. The referendum is scheduled for December 15-22, and one correspondent said that a victory for the opposition is unlikely since the conservative groups "have a stronger mobilization."

Grand Old Party

Somebody's getting ready for 2016. Bobby Jindal wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal urging Republicans to advocate over-the-counter birth control, a move he says would "take contraception out of the political arena." He argues that the sale of over-the-counter birth control, as opposed to having it prescribed by doctors, would actually lower costs through free-market competition. He writes, "It's time to put purchasing power back in the hands of consumers—not employers, not pharmaceutical companies, and not bureaucrats in Washington," he writes. Jindal also says that although he is "an unapologetic pro-life Republican," every adult "who wants contraception should be able to purchase it."

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Prior to murder-suicide.
Industrial Production Up
Reversing October decline.
Earthquake Hits Near California
Measuring 6.3.
Apple Loses Patent Case
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