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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Election 2012: Romney returns to familiar playbook to stop rival Santorum

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Romney returns to familiar playbook to stop rival Santorum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Faced with a new surging rival, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is returning to a familiar playbook to try to put down what may be his toughest challenge yet in opponent Rick Santorum.
Santorum takes lead with Republican voters in Ohio
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A new poll by Quinnipiac University shows Rick Santorum has pulled to the front of the presidential pack with Ohio Republicans who say they are likely to vote in the state's upcoming primary.
Obama, on Midwest trip, chides China on trade practices
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama took aim again at China's trade practices during a campaign-style visit to the Midwestern heartland on Wednesday, saying he will not stand by while America's foreign competitors "don't play by the rules."
Romney shines unwanted light on fund tax breaks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the Republican primary fight splatters mud all over Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, other private capital funds are rushing to distance themselves from the firm co-founded by the presidential contender.
One in 8 U.S. voter registrations faulty: survey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One in eight U.S. voter registrations is invalid or markedly inaccurate, the result of an outdated and inefficient registration system, a Pew Center on the States report said on Tuesday.
For Gingrich, "Super Tuesday" looms as turning point
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - His campaign is running low on money, he's falling behind in voter surveys and he has begun to aim his biting criticism at the leadership of his own political party.
Obama budget sets up election-year tax fight
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama called on Monday for new spending to boost growth and higher taxes on the rich, laying out an election-year vision for America in a budget that drew heavy fire from Republicans for failing to curb huge deficits.
Republican Santorum catches Romney in U.S. polls
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum has surged into a virtual tie in opinion polls with Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, setting up a tough fight in the party's primary in Michigan on Feb 28.
Catholics lean slightly toward Romney: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite a battle over birth-control policy between the White House and Roman Catholic leaders, U.S. Catholics' political views differ little from those of non-Catholic voters, according to Reuters/Ipsos poll results released on Monday.
Factbox: Obama's budget vs. Republican candidates' plans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's budget proposal released on Monday stands little chance of becoming law but it lays out a stark contrast with the tax and spending proposals of Republican presidential candidates.
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