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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Browser daily newsletter [15 Feb 2012]

15 February 2012

 Best of the Moment

In Conversation With Adam Curtis

Hans Ulrich Obrist & Adam Curtis | e-flux | 11 February 2012

Absorbing interview with BBC documentary maker. "If you had to reduce what I do, I look at how ideas have consequences, not necessarily what the promoters of them intended." Fascinating on power, individualism, populism Comments

Spending Won't Fix US Infrastructure

Edward Glaeser | Bloomberg | 14 February 2012

What's required is intelligent reform, not floods of extra financing for moon shots and high-speed railways to nowhere. Here are seven ways to improve transportation in America (also applicable to other industrialised nations) Comments

Basketball And Bankers' Pay

John Kay | John Kay/FT | 15 February 2012

Here's a way to rationalise sports stars' astronomical pay. If you asked the millions of fans to pay 25 cents each to keep a top star playing, they gladly would. Now: Can you imagine anybody doing the same thing for Lloyd Blankfein? Comments

Equations That Rule Your World

Ian Stewart | New Scientist | 13 February 2012

Some equations are simply more important than others. Here's a reminder of seven, that enabled many of the technologies we now rely on: The wave equation, Maxwell's four equations, the Fourier transform and Schrödinger's equation Comments

Direct Negotiations: Recipe For Prolonging The Occupation

Noam Sheizaf | +972 | 13 February 2012

Real dynamic between Israel and Palestinians isn't land for peace, it's land for legitimacy. But Israel gets its legitimacy as soon as negotiations start; Palestinians have to wait for land. So Israel's interest is talks without end Comments

Sophia’s Choices

Sam Kashner | Vanity Fair | 14 February 2012

Rare interview with movie star Sophia Loren. Still irresistible at the age of 77. "Head her in the direction of a camera, set her Etruscan eyes dancing, and Sophia is one of the most magnificent women in the world" Comments

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