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Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Browser daily newsletter [15 Jan 2012]

15 January 2012

 Best of the Moment

We're All Guilty Of Dehumanizing The Enemy

Sebastian Junger | Washington Post | 13 January 2012

Interesting commentary on US Marines scandal. Does dehumanising the dead help soldiers cope psychologically with their act of killing? And how do you explain that it's ok to waterboard a live enemy but not urinate on a dead one? Comments

The Hacker Is Watching

David Kushner | GQ | 12 January 2012

Disturbing story of Luis Mijangos, who hacked into unsuspecting individuals' webcams to commit "sextortion". When eventually captured, FBI found 15,000 videos, 900 audio recordings, 13,000 screen grabs. From a total of 230 victims Comments

Selling A 300-Year-Old Cello

Daniel Wakin | NYT | 14 January 2012

Great musicians part with great instruments only in old age or at death. Aaron Rosand was 84 when he sold his Guarnieri violin for $10m. Bernard Greenhouse's death puts his Stradivarius cello, one of 20, on the market Comments

British Institutions: London Underground

Matthew Engel | FT | 13 January 2012

Part five of wonderful series looks at the Tube. Moves nearly five million people around London every day. Still much criticised. "Are you ever going to sort this place out?" asks Engel. "By 2021. It'll be fantastic then" Comments

Iron Lady Falls

Virginia Postrel | Bloomberg | 13 January 2012

Film biography of Margaret Thatcher portrays her as lonely and bitter in old age, having devoted her life to work and neglected her family. That isn't true, and it isn't fair. No comparable man would be depicted that way Comments

When Michelle Obama Came To Lunch

Sophie Brickman | Gilt Taste | 10 January 2012

In the kitchen at New York City’s Gramercy Tavern. Line cook wishes she could say she was clean, well-rested, well-dressed for first lady's visit. Too bad. She did have an important aesthetic contribution to make though Comments

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