A destination on the Interweb to brighten your day (now get back to work!)
No matter what you read on the internet, microwaving your phone is a BAD idea.
Do Not Believe The Rumors Going Around That You Can Charge Your iPhone 6 In The Microwave
Please don't microwave it. That's a very, VERY bad idea.
Also: If you do get the new iPhone, please try not to drop it immediately.
Be careful when companies advertise products in quotation marks. Can you "really trust" them?
Some people do incredibly mean things. Why does everyone have to be so rude?
What kind of diva are you? Not all divas are made the same.
Eating whatever you want. Having wine for dinner. And 17 other things only twentysomethings get away with.
Speaking of being young: These student veterinarians stripped naked for charity. (Btw, good luck with your exams, guys.)
These two dogs got married. The whole thing is basically an ad for Pinterest.
Fall TV has arrived! Here's what to watch, and what to avoid.
And finally: If you've got a big butt, you're going to deal with some awkward moments in your life.
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