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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


It's about time that we got the food of our dreams. Food companies, get on this.

23 Snacks That Should Definitely Exist

Here's an idea: Bubble wrap that’s made out candy (but still works as bubble wrap). Hey, why not?

oooh that could be fun


In the wake of Robin Williams' death, it's time to talk about the struggles so many of us face. These are 20 stories of people who realized they weren't alone.


We could all use something happy in our lives. So here are some adorable baby panda triplets snuggling in bed.


Guys are now doing their own makeup transformations on Instagram. Sadly, makeup isn't quite that powerful.


A woman found a swastika in her sandwich at McDonald's. (The company has since apologized.)


What does your favorite drunk food say about you? An actual drunk food expert has the answers.


Listen up, guys: It's really easy to clean up your place. Here's where to start.


What's going on inside your pets? If only you knew.


And finally: Not all life hacks are equally worthy. These hacks are actually pretty terrible.

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