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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Take Action: Support School Choice

Below please find a message from one of our advertisers, National School Choice Week. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of The Daily Caller.

Dear Friend:
Are America's children truly being prepared for real life?
Here are the facts: when it comes to education, America is falling behind other countries. Our kids are paying the price. 

But, when parents have more educational opportunities for their children — more school choice — students are motivated and challenged to succeed.
Today, I'm inviting you to get involved in National School Choice Week, January 26 to February 1, 2014. Will you join with us in sending a simple but powerful message: more families deserve the opportunity to choose the best education environments for their kids?
I'm not asking for a donation. I'm simply asking that you take one evening to talk about school choice with your family and friends, in your own home. We'll send you complimentary supplies — including a short new movie about school choice — to help you make the most of your "Friends and Family Night" during National School Choice Week.
Here's our goal: during National School Choice Week, we want millions of Americans to stand up and voice their support for school choice…so that folks in power, and folks in the media, can't help but take notice. 
National School Choice Week isn’t just about rallies and big events — although those are important. Many times, the best place to start important conversations is with family and friends, in living rooms and around kitchen tables in homes across the country…or by planting a sign on your front lawn. 
Will you reserve a complimentary Event Kit today?

Our complimentary "Friends and Family Night" Event Kits include a short and compelling documentary (DVD) about school choice by award-winning director Bob Bowdon, 12 of our signature yellow fleece scarves, popcorn bags, a banner, a yard/lawn sign, posters, postcards that you can send to your legislators, and more. The materials are all nicely packed in one box, making these Event Kits a great holiday gift. We simply ask that you pay the actual shipping cost, which is $14.95.
Thank you in advance. We hope you will partner with us to achieve these important goals, and improve the futures of children across our country. 


Andrew R. Campanella
National School Choice Week

PS: Please order your complimentary supplies soon, as we only have a limited number of Event Kits available. Click here to reserve your Event Kit.
National School Choice Week provides an unprecedented opportunity, every January, to shine a spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children. Independently planned by a diverse coalition of individuals, schools and organizations, NSCW features thousands of special events across the country. The Week is a nonpartisan and nonpolitical public awareness effort.
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