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Thursday, March 21, 2013

BuzzFeed FWD: Is This Year's Statistical March Madness Darling Made Of Sabermetric Fool's Gold? And More!

Is This Year's Statistical March Madness Darling Made Of Sabermetric Fool's Gold?

Florida's players might have done a little too well in Stats 101.

Reddit's "Explain Like I'm Five" Series Is Just The Beginning

Reddit's general manager says other subreddits will get the video treatment soon too.

Twitter's 7th Anniversary Video Is Absolutely Terrifying If You Set It To The "Inception" Theme

*Logs out.* *Steps away from keyboard.*

Woman Publicly Fired For Tweeting About "Sexual Jokes"

When Adria Richards was fired for complaining about sexually inappropriate comments at a tech conference the internet erupted. And now it looks like internet activists are attacking the people involved.

Why Is Google 100% Certain This Man Is An Eggplant?

It's a conspiracy.

The Island Where Video Game Characters Come To Life

Mario, Link, and Guybrush Threepwood walk into a room...

Will The "Veronica Mars" Kickstarter Revolutionize Indie Film?

Crowdfunding has been a way of life for indie film for years, but with fractions of the $3.7 million (and counting) banked by Veronica Mars. Could indie films ever measure up?

Twitter Promotes Mitt Romney's Campaign As A "Success Story"

The social network's case study touts Romney's Twitter presence as a model for future campaigns. There's just one minor problem.

Why Does Apple Ban Political Games?

The Supreme Court thinks games are protected speech. But America's most powerful company doesn't.

Catching Up With The Original King Of Twitter

Six years ago, Austin blogger Paul Terry Walhus was anointed by Slate, the New York Times and Salon as the most popular man on Twitter. A look back with the former king.

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