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Thursday, March 21, 2013

33 Dogs That Are Losing Their Minds

These 33 dogs just can't even handle it right now. AT ALL. Also inside: Here's to you, Mr. Rogers!

33 Dogs That Cannot Handle It Right Now

These 33 dogs are freaking out. They can't handle everything that's happening. Seriously, they just CAN'T even handle it.

This dog really needs to chill.
What are Mulder and Scully doing in this photo? Who cares! Even without context, it's fantastic.
Mr. Rogers would have celebrated his 85th birthday this week. Here's to you, America's favorite neighbor.
These 13 tiny paintings were made out of food. Stay incredible, tiny food paintings.
Meet America's new favorite Craiglist photobomber. Naturally, it's a dog.
Kate Middleton, riding the London Underground? Like a commoner? It really happened.
If the "Rugrats" had only given us this Passover TV special, well: It would've been enough.
Kate Upton might be going to a high school prom. The lucky prom date is now everyone's hero.

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