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Monday, March 25, 2013

20 Unthinkable First World Problems

It's just hard to believe that people have to live like this. Also: Will Smith can't stop dancing.

The Worst Collection Of First World Problems Ever

You just wanted to eat your cereal. But you only have tiny spoons. Oh, to suffer in the first world!

This is awful. How do people live like this?
This is every dance from "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air." Will and Carlton could really move.
What did Radiohead look like in the '80s? Turns out they were surprisingly clean cut.
Kudos to you, Iowa State. Your pep band is the goofiest in the land.
It's almost the season for Easter Peeps. Consider these 22 ways to enjoy them.
Kenny G: He's more than just that soprano sound. He's also secretly cool.
This 10-year-old heroically saved a cat from bullies. Awesome work, Wendell Overton.
Ryan Gosling: Hot. Ryan Gosling pumping gas: Ridiculously hot.

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