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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reuters Oddly Enough Report

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
French Apocalypse village looks forward to Christmas
BUGARACH, France (Reuters) - Rumors the tiny French hamlet of Bugarach will be spared by a looming Apocalypse have sparked a storm of media interest, with journalists flocking in search of Doomsday believers who are so far proving few and far between.
Putin offers French tax row actor Depardieu a Russian passport
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin offered French actor Gerard Depardieu a Russian passport on Thursday, saying he would welcome the 63-year-old celebrity who is embroiled in a bitter tax row with France's socialist government.
As "Doomsday" looms, Serbs cash in on mystical mountain
RTANJ, Serbia (Reuters) - If doomsday really falls on Friday, the residents of this Serbian mountain region are cashing in while they can.
"Gangnam Style" in line for UK dictionary inclusion
LONDON (Reuters) - He has the most-watched video in Youtube history, become a pop sensation with a horse-riding dance craze that has swept the world and now Korean singer Psy may cement his place in popular culture with recognition from a British dictionary.
China detains 1,000 in doomsday cult crackdown
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese authorities have detained around 1,000 people as they step up a crackdown against a doomsday cult called "Almighty God" which has been predicting the world will end on Friday, state media reported.
Detritus of broken hearts on show in romantic Paris
PARIS (Reuters) - Paris may be the city of romance, but for one month this much-loved capital is littered with the broken-hearted bric-a-brac of failed relationships in a new exhibition.
Mexico's ethnic Maya unmoved by 2012 "Armageddon" hysteria
IZAMAL, Mexico (Reuters) - Thousands of mystics, New Age dreamers and fans of pre-Hispanic culture have been drawn to Mexico in hopes of witnessing great things when the day in an old Maya calendar dubbed "the end of the world" dawns on Friday.
Maya apocalypse and Star Wars collide in Guatemalan temple
TIKAL, Guatemala (Reuters) - At the center of the rebel base where Luke Skywalker took off to destroy the Death Star and save his people from the clutches of Darth Vader, Guatemala is preparing for another momentous event: the end of an age for the Maya.
Russians pay $1,000 for doomsday party in Soviet bunker
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Cold War-era bunker designed to save Soviet leaders from a nuclear attack will host a 24-hour party for Russians willing to pay $1,000 for a ticket to escape the apocalypse, which, according to New Age prophesies, could come on Friday.
Chicago jail escapees hailed a cab to get away: investigators
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Two bank robbers who broke out of a high-rise jail in downtown Chicago hailed a cab and used it as a getaway car after they escaped from the facility, investigators searching for the pair said on Wednesday.
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