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Saturday, December 1, 2012

BuzzFeed Politics: Eight Presidents With Cats And More!

Eight Presidents With Cats

For some, the White House was purrfect.

A First: Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Fleck Comes Out

"I’m still the exact same person and I’m still a Republican ... The only difference now is that I will also be doing so as honestly as I know how," the Republican Pennsylvania lawmaker said.

Daughter Of Uzbek Dictator Loses It On Twitter

Gulnara Karimova, glamorous business magnate and aspiring pop star, attacks a critic's "fat ass."

Women Marry At West Point Chapel, First Same-Sex Couple To Wed There

A little more than a year after "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ended, one of its key opponents weds her longtime partner at the U.S. Military Academy, her alma mater.

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