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Friday, November 9, 2012

BuzzFeed Politics: Obama Cries As He Thanks His Campaign Staff And More!

Obama Cries As He Thanks His Campaign Staff

An emotional thank-you from the commander in chief to his campaign staff.

A New Republican Generation Gets Ready To Take Over

"Oldsters," watch your backs.

Cat Takes Third In Virginia's Senate Race

Hank the Cat, a Maine coon who ran on a platform of "Jobs, Animal Rescue/Spay & Neuter programs, and Positive Campaign Reform" received 6,000 votes in Virginia's Senate election. A purrrfect election result.

Five Doable Changes To The "Romney Face Tattoo"

There are a number of ways to go from here.

Megyn Kelly Has To Remind Karl Rove That Obama Won

Rove said hindsight is 20/20.

There Are No "Missing Voters"

Republican pollster Bill McInturff demolishes an early theory of how Obama won: Voters who didn't show up. In fact, some are still to be counted, and others were affected by Sandy — but swing state turnout was up!

Pat Robertson Struggles To Understand "Fifty Shades Of Grey"

Robertson, who finds porn "boring," is mystified by the book's success.

Fox News Guest Says Obama Scared Voters With "Rape Camps"

Michael Graham, a radio host appearing on Fox News today, said the Obama campaign wanted to convince voters if you were a female and voted for Romney, you would be put in "rape camps."

The World Reacts To The Presidential Election

Some newspapers missed their deadline Wednesday. Here's the best of the rest.

The Obama Campaign Won't Go Away

The president looks to put his digital arm to use in his second term and beyond.

Barbour: Republicans Should Stay Conservative

A "very, very close presidential election." And down ballot, "some shitty candidates."

HRC Calls For Out LGBT Cabinet Member In Second Term

Hoping for further advances, the influential LGBT group also is calling for Obama to issue new protections for employees of federal contractors.

14 Lessons From 2012

Obama will get better. Politics keeps getting worse.

Jarrett: Obama "So Absolutely Delighted" With Marriage Equality Votes

Obama senior adviser spoke to the nation's leading LGBT political group, praising victories for marriage equality and the election of Tammy Baldwin to the Senate.

Michael Steele Takes A Victory Lap

The much-maligned former RNC chairman says he won races, forgiving him from running up $20 million in debt.

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