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Survey of Conservative Leaders and Activists On What Kind of Ads Against Obama You Would Like To See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Fellow Conservative:
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SECOND: I have a proposition for you. We can't afford to wait for Team Romney to get really tough on Obama. That might never happen. We're going to have to do this ourselves. So here's my proposal for you. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For Just $1... You Can Reach Two Independent/Undecided Voters With a Hard-Hitting Mailing That Lays Out How Dangerous Barack Obama Really Is to America. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I have a way for you to choose the kind of hard-hitting mailing that will deliver the facts about how dangerous Barack Obama really is to America to a registered independent voter in a battleground state for $1. On average, our research indicates that two voters will actually see each mail piece. And you get to choose the content of the mailing. Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>>
The fact is, Team Romney will continue to pull his punches. He'll never tell the voters all they really need to know about Obama... because the media will pile on Romney for running a negative campaign even if his toughs ads are 100% true. So Romney will never tell the unvarnished truth about how radical Obama really is. It's up to us (you and me, and other conservative activists) to do this job. That's why I have launched My Own Super-PAC -- so you can take matters into your own hands. Here's the strategy. Frankly, this strategy is revolutionary. It's never been done before. You choose the content of your ad (in this case your mailing). Or you can just let us choose the mailings that we think will be most effective and target groups of independent swing voters to reach with your mailing. Unlike the soft ads we're seeing from Romney, the mailings we have developed for you to send out really rip the bark off Obama. My name is Richard Viguerie. I have been in the political direct mail advertising business for 45 years. My company has mailed more than 3 BILLION letters. So this is a business I know very well. The company I built is called AMERICAN TARGET ADVERTISING. It's located in Manassas, Virginia. As the person who pioneered political direct mail I've been in the advertising and marketing business now for about a half century, I know that direct mail (I'm talking here about good old-fashioned postal mail) is by far the most effective form of advertising for political campaigns...
For example, with direct mail, you can specifically target just registered independent voters in the 13 key battleground states who will decide this election... so that every dollar achieves maximum impact. The battleground states we are targeting with our mailings are: Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona. With TV and radio ads, 90 percent (or more) of the money is wasted because it's reaching everyone -- not the people you really need to reach. For example, TV and radio ads reach people who are not registered to vote, kids who are not even old enough to vote, and the 90 percent of the people who have made up their minds. With direct mail, you can reach exactly the people you want to reach -- in this case, just those 10 percent of registered independent voters in the 13 key battleground states. Most undecided and persuadable voters are registered as Independents. That is, they have no party affiliation. Some elections they vote for the Democrat. Other elections they vote for the Republican. It is the independent voters who are always the swing vote in Presidential elections. It is this group of voters we are specifically targeting with our direct mail advertising campaign to defeat Obama on November 6th. And here's something else that's important for you to know. We're talking about a small segment of the U.S. population that we need to reach with our direct mail advertising campaign. Specifically, we're talking about 14,081,648 voters who will be deciding who the next President is. Keep in mind that about 120,000,000 (that's 120 MILLION) people will vote in this election. But it is this relatively small group of 14.1 MILLION independent voters in the 13 battleground states who will decide the outcome of the Presidential election. Here are the registered independent voters we are targeting with our mailings broken down by battleground state -- so you can see how exact this is... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The truth is, everyone else is basically irrelevant. And every ad seen by people who fall outside this relatively small group of independent voters in these 13 battleground states is money wasted. If you happen to live in California, for example, the truth is your vote won't matter much in the Presidential election because California is a solidly Obama state. The same is true for all other states that are solidly either Obama or Romney.
And it's this group of voters (and only this group of voters) who we are targeting with these mailings. But the only way we can reach all these registered independent voters is with help from you... and many other Patriots who read this letter. For $1... ...I can reach one independent swing voter in one of these 13 battleground states with a detailed mailing on Barack Obama's disastrous economic record, why ObamaCare is such a disaster, his radical associations, and what he really means when he says he's out to "fundamentally transform" America. My hope is that you will send a donation of at least $50, $100, or $250 to help get this done. Keep in mind, that our research indicates that two voters on average will see each of the mailings that arrives in one mailbox -- because people often share the mailing with friends and relatives. So this means your $50 donation will allow us to reach 100 independent voters in one of the 13 key battleground states with a mailing that details the case against Barack Obama -- and why, if Obama wins reelection, America really is over as the "land of the free." Or if you can send $100, this will allow us to reach 200 independent voters in the 13 key battleground states with this hard-hitting information about how dangerous Obama really is to America's survival that voters are not hearing from the Romney campaign. Or perhaps you are in a position to send an even larger donation of $250, $500, or even $1,000 or more. What a Godsend that would be! Only you know what you are able to contribute. But whatever the amount of your donation, for each $1 you send, we can reach two independent/undecided voters on average in one of the 13 key battleground states with a mailing that details the full case against Barack Hussein Obama. Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>> The mailing you are helping to pay for is in the form of an oversized Jumbo Post Card Ad Advertisement. This Jumbo Post Card Ad is 10 inches wide and 5 inches tall. And it's on thick, heavy paper -- so it really stands out in the voter's mailbox. The voter can't miss this Jumbo Post Card Ad... because it's giant and commands attention. This JUMBO attention-getting post card is the first thing the voter will look at in the pile of mail in their mailbox. These Jumbo Post Card Ads are designed to be seen instantly in the mailbox and to make a big impact. And they're gorgeous. The people who receive these Jumbo Post Card Ads keep them -- because they are so packed with information about Obama that they have never heard before. We also encourage all who receive these Jumbo Post Card Ads to photocopy them and pass them out to their friends, relatives, associates at work, in their church, and elsewhere... because the goal is to get this information in front of as many people as possible -- especially those undecided voters in the 13 key battleground states who will decide this election. That's why each Jumbo Post Card Ad is seen by an average of two voters. So you are getting tremendous bang for the buck. Now, here's another big advantage of direct mail political advertising with these Jumbo Post Card Ads over broadcast (TV and radio) advertising. Unlike with TV and radio ads, you can reach your target audience with detailed messages on these Jumbo Post Card Ads that are of most interest to them. Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>> So, for example, we have an over-sized Jumbo Post Card Ad titled "Obama's War on Small Business" -- to be mailed to small business owners in the 13 battleground states. We have another on why ObamaCare is such a disaster for America's seniors -- because it steals $716 BILLION from Medicare to pay for ObamaCare. ObamaCare could also lead to catastrophic shortages of doctors and medical facilities, as has happened in every country where the government has taken control of health care. So we may see long waiting lists for basic medical care, as has happened in countries like Great Britain, Canada, France, and every other country that has socialized medicine. That's why ObamaCare is already setting up its 15-member Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to keep health care costs down. And how will this Health Care Rationing Board keep health care costs down? Easy. Simply by denying treatment to those who need it. But what is the quality of this care? Not good. But this is where socialized medicine ultimately leads. To catastrophic shortages of doctors, medical facilities, and an end to medical research and development into new life-saving medicines and medical treatment. Barack Obama is now in the process of destroying the best, most advanced health care system in the world. So we have a hard-hitting Jumbo Post Card Ad on this theme. We have another Jumbo Post Card Ad titled "Six Anti-American Radicals Who Shaped Obama's Thinking." You are not likely to hear Team Romney or the Republican Party campaign committees talk about this subject. One big mistake I think Mitt Romney is making is that he keeps telling America that Obama is failing. That's wrong. Obama is succeeding at doing exactly what he set out to do -- and that's destroy capitalism and destroy the America you and I grew up in. Obama is a hard-core Leftist -- possibly a Marxist. Here's what Obama wrote in his memoir about his college days:
Most of Obama's friends and associates have been hard-core Leftists. He launched his political career from the living room of William Ayres, the founder of the radical and violent anti-American Weather Underground. Ayers bombed the Pentagon and a police station in New York City and, even today, says his only regret is that he did not do more. Obama's pastor of 20 years was the America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama's mother and father were both Socialists, if not Communists. His closest mentor, who Obama says had the most influence on his thinking, was Frank Marshall Davis who was a member of the Communist Party USA. In the mid-1990s, Obama was a member of the Socialist New Party because he did not think the Democrat Party was radical enough for him. This is where Obama is coming from. But you will never hear any of this from the Romney campaign or from the national Republican Party. What we hear from the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee ads is how Obama's economic policies haven't worked. But if that's the only message undecided voters hear, they might well decide to give Obama more time. What they need to hear is that Obama is succeeding at exactly what he set out to do -- and that's destroy capitalism... so he can replace our capitalist system with his neo-Marxist Socialist vision. That's what our mailings explain to undecided voters in the 13 battleground states. This is not an election just to stop misguided economic policy. This is an election to stop Barack Obama from "fundamentally transforming" America (his words) into his Socialist vision. The fact is, Mitt Romney is likely to lose this election if independent and undecided voters in the 13 battleground states never receive this information. That's why these info-packed Jumbo Post Card Ads about Obama's true agenda for America are so important. And here's another huge advantage direct mail advertising has over broadcast TV advertising. Direct mail allows you to go into much more detail than a 30-second or 60-second TV or radio ad. And if people like the mailing, since there is a lot of good information in the mailing, people who receive the mailing will share it with others. As I mentioned earlier in this letter, we have put together a list of 14.1 MILLION independent registered voters in the 13 key battleground states. These are the voters who decide every Presidential election. Our goal is to mail at least three of these Jumbo Post Card Ads to each of these independent or unaffiliated voters in the 13 battleground states. If we can do this, we have a great chance to defeat Obama and save America. By the way, if you were to print and mail 100 of these Jumbo Post Card Ads yourself (by going to Kinko's or your local print shop), it would cost you about $5.36 each or about $536). But we're able to mail the Jumbo Post Card Ad you choose to 100 people for $100 (including First Class postage)... because we are printing in large quantities and we're specialists at this. And remember -- each Jumbo Post Card Ad will actually be seen by two voters on average because many will share them with their friends and relatives. Plus, we do all the work for you. We wrote these Jumbo Post Card Ads, designed them, and paid for the target lists of registered independent voters in the 13 battleground states. You just tell us which of these Jumbo Post Card Ads you want to print and mail. The only way we can pay for these mailings is with donations from wonderful patriots, like you, who understand what the stakes really are in this election. It's frightening to think that the outcome of this election hinges on about 10 percent of undecided voters in 13 battleground states who still really have no opinion about Barack Obama... because they still have not considered the facts of his disastrous Presidency. But, more importantly, they really don't know what Obama truly believes and where he wants to take America. He certainly doesn't believe in America's heritage of liberty. He certainly has no regard for America's Constitution -- which prescribes a federal government with limited and specific powers. In fact, Obama mocks the Constitution and America's founding principles. Obama mocks America's Founding Fathers. Obama mocks capitalism and free-enterprise. Obama mocks and ridicules small-business owners, telling them "You didn't build that -- somebody else made that happen." The truth is, Barack Hussein Obama is a radical Leftist -- probably a Marxist. Almost all the major influences in Obama's life were hard-core Communists, Socialists, and Leftists. You of course, know all this. But the 10 percent of independent and undecided voters in the 13 battleground states who will decide this election don't know any of this information. They don't think much about politics. Wouldn't it be a tragedy if these 10 percent of uninformed undecided voters choose Obama again for another four years... because they never had the facts about Obama's true agenda to "fundamentally transform" America. Maybe these undecided voters really don't want America "fundamentally transformed" into Barack Obama's neo-Marxist Socialist vision. At least these undecided voters deserve to have the facts presented to them before they vote. But the only way that will happen is with these Jumbo Post Card Ads... because these undecided swing voters will never hear this information from the Romney campaign or the national Republican Party. So I hope I can count on you to help me make these Jumbo Post Card Ad mailings a success. Time is of the essence. So please let me hear back from you right now. Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>> Sincerely,
Chairman, FedUp PAC My Own SuperPAC is a project of FedUp PAC
And we need to know which Jumbo Post Card Ad(s) you want mailed so these independent and undecided voters in the 13 battleground states learn how radical Barack Obama really is. At a minimum, Obama is a Socialist -- probably a Marxist. Just recently the Communist dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, said he would vote for Obama if he were an American citizen. So Hugo Chavez knows who Obama really is and what he stands for. As does Fidel Castro -- who hailed the passage of ObamaCare as "a miracle." But it's essential for voters to know these facts about Obama. And they won't hear them from the media or the Romney campaign. It's up to us to get this information out there. Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>> As soon as your donation arrives, we'll push the print button on your behalf. And your Jumbo Post Card Ad will be in the mail and on the way to a registered independent voter in one of the 13 key battleground states. Or perhaps you would prefer just to let us decide what Jumbo Post Card Ads to mail on your behalf. We'll be happy to use our expertise to make sure your Jumbo Post Card Ad achieves maximum impact. The point is, you're in the driver's seat. You decide what theme to help fund. Of course, the big over-arching theme is to defeat Obama. That's what this Jumbo Post Card Ad mailing project to independent voters is all about. But I need to know how many anti-Obama Jumbo Post Card Ads I can mail on your behalf. Can I mail 100 for $100? 50 for $50? 25 for $25? Or perhaps you are able to mail 1,000 of these Jumbo Post Card Ads for $1,000? What's nice about this system we've set up is that it allows you to do what you can. And please be sure to complete your survey so we can show Mitt Romney and his campaign team why it's important for them to get a lot tougher on Obama also. Romney won't defeat Obama with this soft approach. Remember also, I'll send you this FREE bumper sticker as a way to say "thank you" for completing this poll.
Please complete your survey and choose the mailing you want to send here >>> Thank you for doing all you can to save America as the "land of the free." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MyOwnSuperPac.com is a project of FedUp Pac. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MyOwnSuperPAC is a project of FedUp PAC, 9625 Surveyor Court, #400, Manassas, VA 20110. Contributions to FedUp PAC are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
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