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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Morning Digest: Ukraine loses five more soldiers in the east in past 24 hours

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Ukraine loses five more soldiers in the east in past 24 hours
KIEV (Reuters) - Five Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 27 wounded in fighting with pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine's eastern regions in the past 24 hours, Kiev military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said on Tuesday..
Egypt could free jailed journalist Fahmy within hours: Al Jazeera
DOHA (Reuters) - Egypt could free Canadian-Egyptian journalist Mohamed Fahmy within hours, Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera English reported on Tuesday..
Greek plans lift European shares, euro zone debt
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares rallied and yields on euro zone government bonds tumbled on Tuesday after the new Greek government dropped calls for a write-off of its foreign debt..
Berlin festival mixes '50 Shades' premiere with arthouse
REUTERS - Two blockbusters will have world premieres at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival opening on Thursday, but neither "50 Shades of Grey" nor the new Disney live-action "Cinderella" will compete for the main Golden Bear prize..
Snowstorm forces Boston to delay Super Bowl parade until Wednesday
BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston will delay until Wednesday its parade to celebrate the New England Patriots' Super Bowl victory, after Mayor Marty Walsh decided on Monday to push the event back a day because of a snowstorm pounding the city..
Obama seeks $14 billion to boost U.S. cybersecurity defenses
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's budget proposal for the 2016 fiscal year seeks $14 billion (9 billion pounds) for cybersecurity efforts across the U.S. government to better protect federal and private networks from hacking threats..
NASA satellite to measure water in Earth's soil sent into orbit
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - - An unmanned Delta 2 rocket lifted off from California on Saturday carrying a NASA satellite to measure moisture in the top layer of the Earth's soil, data to be used in weather-forecasting and tracking of global climate change..
Albanian highwaymen outwitted by Chinese karate skills
TIRANA (Reuters) - Three Albanian gunmen met their match when they held up three Chinese contractors only to be outwitted and overpowered by the karate skills of their would-be victims..
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