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Friday, June 27, 2014

Let's All Be Lazy

There's really no reason for any of us to be doing work on a day like this, is there?

26 People Who Took Lazy To A New Level

Being so lazy that you build a system to sleep and drink at the same time? Now that's impressive.

**starts slow clap**


There's no logic like stoner logic. Some things just seem to make sense when high.


Nobody brings the sass quite like a good church sign. It's THE place to find something clever.


What does your drink of choice say about you? You might really be surprised.


Riding public transportation is hard. There are so many dos and donts. But mostly, just don't do these things.


Want to get into running? Beware, there's some stuff runners won't tell you.


It's possible you're a little too addicted to Target. Pay attention to the signs.


And finally: Apologies to all the picky eaters out there. Life's always going to be rough.

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