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Thursday, April 24, 2014

There is a war being waged for the soul of America. Don't let it be taken from us.

Below please find a message from one of our advertisers, GOH Conservative PAC. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of The Daily Caller.


We didn’t pick this fight, but we’re now in it together… and together, we can win.
Establishment Republicans have openly declared war on conservatives and tea party activists who want to do nothing more than respect and defend the Republican Party Platform which upholds the U.S. Constitution.

STAND up against the attacks: Join the GOHTeam here.

Louie Gohmert's GOH Conservative PAC DONATE

These Republican leaders even use the language and false premises of the Far Left to demonize anyone who points out that we can do better than the “Democrat Lite” policies that threaten the survival of our nation. It is simply tragic!
And it gets worse.
On a recent weekend, members of the House Republican leadership attended a gathering of union-backed and George Soros-funded groups, along with other progressive-supported groups gathered to plot the undermining and defeating of conservative Republicans in primary races across the country. Even more appalling, they lent their names for fundraising for the group that cost a minimum of $5,000 to attend.
Their “retreat” at a posh resort on Amelia Island is a direct assault on the base of the Republican Party.

That event had nothing to do with the people on “Main Street” (as the progressive enablers call themselves) but has everything to do with some of the lobbyists on “K Street” whose short-sighted agenda is driven by profit for the moment that will cost us our freedoms in the future.  (You can read about this “meeting of the minds” on RedState.)

The Establishment has taken the the old adage “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” to a new level. By uniting with liberals to try and squelch conservatives, they have exposed their choice to side with progressives in their destructive fight against conservative patriots who just want to preserve the future of liberty in our land.


Tell GOP leaders NOT to put our party and its principles up for bid!

If this all sounds familiar, it should. Establishment types used to call Ronald Reagan “unelectable” and “too extreme” and even supported by "kamikaze conservatives" who would destroy the GOP. They’d say the same thing today if he were alive, only they’d update their anti-liberty rhetoric by using more current terms like “fringe,” “wacko bird,” “hobbit” and “purist.”
It is the height of hypocrisy to campaign as a conservative and say all the right things about limited government, then garner support of and raise money for statist Democrats.
Together, we need to hold people accountable for their actions and replace them with principled conservatives who will both “talk the talk AND walk the walk.” We also need to work as a team to defend conservatives who are either ignored completely, attacked publicly or undermined behind the scenes by GOP “leadership” and conservative-sounding PACs that exist to protect the DC elite class.
We must stop this insanity now...but we’ll need principled leaders to get it done.
That’s why the 2014 election cycle is so important and why I need your help today. I’m Representative Louie Gohmert and I’m writing to tell you about our new GOH Conservative PAC. My PAC’s mission is to empower and defend conservative Congressmen and candidates who aren’t afraid to push back against the “progressives” and their absurd, counterproductive policies.
If Republicans are going to keep the House and take the Senate in 2014, we will need to unite against, not acquiesce to, the true enemies of liberty--the extreme Left. President Reagan’s “11th Commandment” needs to work both ways, however, and Republicans in conservative districts need to be free to “vote their districts.” When these patriots are shunned by Beltway insiders (and it’s already happening), GOH Conservative PAC will step in and support them.

Of course, this “support” includes funding. “Freedom is not free” and I need you to chip in $10, $20, $50, $100 or whatever you can spare today to help me fight for principled and effective conservative leadership across the country.

Folks, we are indeed at a “crossroads”... but you don’t need to own a “whiteboard” to know what needs to be done. Join me and my #GOHTeam. Tell your friends about us. Donate what you can right now. GOH Conservative PAC is not about me. It’s not even about “us.” It’s about preserving a Constitutional Republic and a better life for our children and grandchildren.

President Reagan's statement has both haunted me and driven me forward in the fight for liberty:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

“We the people” ARE the push back and I see GOH Conservative as “the people’s PAC.” For this reason, you have my word that your donation today will only help principled conservatives who respect and defend the US Constitution. But I desperately need your help for conservatives who see their own leaders and progressives amassing millions of dollars which not only will not be used to help them but also will likely be used against them. Thank you for your time and support.


Louie Gohmert

GOH Vonservative PAC Donate_Now

PS: I know the economy is not great right now, so if money is tight, you can still be part of the push back by joining #GOHTeam, following us on Twitter and “liking” us on Facebook. Thank you for your patriotism and support! -- Louie


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