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Thursday, September 5, 2013

You're Doing It Wrong

You're at dinner. You're supposed to be eating. Put away the freaking camera and just eat, okay?

25 Types Of People Who Take Photos Of Their Food Instead Of Eating It

Not everyone needs to see what you're eating. You're not that important. Your meal isn't that amazing.

This is not happening, Dad.


This guy dancing in a parking lot has sparked a dance craze. Introducing the Maraschino Step.


Hey, ladies? Is it getting hot in here? It does feel like it's getting hot in here.


This Ironman competitor got cocky at the finish line. And then nearly lost in the most embarrassing way possible.


Could these things have only have happened in Minnesota? You betcha.


Meet "Unimpressed Dog." It's your newest meme. And it's perfect.


The email inbox is changing. Especially for you Gmail users.


It's Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Here's what one Jew wants you to know about the holiday.


This high school football player weighs 335 lbs. He's also on the cheerleading team.


To filter or to #nofilter? For Instagram addicts, that is the question.

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