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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

There Are No Words

There are no words at all for a magazine cover this badly, horribly, ridiculously Photoshopped.

23 Cringeworthy Magazine Cover Photoshop Fails

What happened to this model's disappearing elbow? Vogue Russia, what do you have to say for yourself?

There is no elbow here. WTF.


On Tuesday, Apple introduced a new iPhone. Here's the only thing you need to read about it.


Which is older: Justin Bieber or the Backstreet Boys' entire career? And 12 other questions that will make you feel old.


These facts are going to drive you insane. Save yourself. There's still time.


Okay, sorry. Here's something to make you feel better: A video of animals riding skateboards.


Pants. Braces. And 14 other words that mean something totally different in the U.K.


Oh, Gin. You're so delicious. Never ever change.


Men, take note: "Somebody looks tired" is not an acceptable thing to say to a woman without makeup.


This is just a boy and his orphaned baby sparrow. And the photos are adorable.


Whitney Houston was almost one of the Huxtables. And 20 other things you didn't know about "The Cosby Show."

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