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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cheat Sheet - Americans Join Syrian Jihad

Today: N. Korea Reactor 'Near Operation' , The Rise of the New New Left , One Dead in Colorado Flash Floods
Cheat Sheet: Morning

September 12, 2013

As the debate surrounding Syria escalates, U.S. intelligence officials estimate that at least 10 Americans have signed up to fight with al Qaeda-related groups. Sources tell Eli Lake why the country's civil war is a 'jihad magnet.'


Where there's smoke, there's fire: a nuclear reactor in North Korea is showing new signs of activity and is "nearing operation," says a report by U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, which studies nuclear activity via satellite imagery. Steam has been rising from the Yongbyon nuclear facility, which was closed down in 2007 and reopened in April amid regional tensions. The report says the color and volume of the steam suggests that the reactor is close to going online. Analysts believe Yongbyon has already produced the plutonium in North Korea's current nuclear weapons, which may number between four and 10.


Bill de Blasio's win in New York's Democratic mayoral primary isn't a local story. It's part of a vast shift that could upend three decades of American political thinking. By Peter Beinart


Heavy rains pelted Boulder, Colorado, early Thursday morning, causing mudslides, evacuations, and one death. The National Weather Service issued a flash-flood emergency warning for Boulder and Jefferson counties, prompting hundreds to leave their homes. The streets of Boulder are impassable after the rains, and several homes collapsed in nearby Jamestown. One person died when a structure collapsed in Jamestown and has not been identified because emergency crews haven't been able to reach the scene. Students were evacuated from university housing at the University of Colorado-Boulder, which is closed Thursday morning.

Weak Intel

The Obama administration is confident Assad at least delegated military authority for the chemical-weapons attack that killed over a thousand in August, but anonymous officials tell the Washington Times that they cannot prove he ordered the attack or knew about it in advance. Intelligence has raised questions about whether Assad is fully in control of Syria's army and weapons arsenal. Though President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and other officials have asserted there is "no doubt" Assad was behind the attack, they have been careful to refer to "Assad's regime" or the "Syrian regime" to avoid stating it outright. Outside the administration, analysts with senior-level intelligence clearance say there is real doubt that Assad has command of his chemical weapons. 

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