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Friday, December 28, 2012

Map: Laconic history of the world

Map: Laconic history of the world

Dec 28, 2012 12:32 am

Laconic History of the World

Cartographer Martin Elmer made a truncated history map of the world:

This map was produced by running all the various countries' "History of _____" Wikipedia article through a word cloud, then writing out the most common word to fit into the country's boundary. The result is thousands of years of human history oversimplified into 100-some words.

More on the map here.

NFL video screens compared

Dec 27, 2012 12:33 pm

Texan video screen

On news of the Houston Texans getting ready to build the largest video screens in professional sports, Reddit user dbeat compared the sizes of current NFL screens to the future giant. It's just slightly bigger than the one in my living room. [via Deadspin]

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