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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cheat Sheet - Dick Lugar’s Last Stand?

The Cheat Sheet

Today: Clinton: ‘Terrorists Keep Trying’ , Santorum Endorses Romney , European Stocks Open Low
Cheat Sheet: Morning

May 08, 2012

The Republican senator’s 36-year career is hanging by a thread in the face of an aggressive challenge from a right-wing favorite who portrays him as out of touch. Patricia Murphy on how the senator failed to heed his party’s warnings. Plus, Michael Tomasky on Lugar’s cowardly moderation.


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that the recent foiled bomb plot by suspected extremists in Yemen is proof that “terrorists keep trying” to kill Americans and all the more reason the U.S. has to “remain vigilant.” U.S. counterterrorism officials said on Monday that the FBI is analyzing the explosive device, which is similar to the so-called underwear bomb that a man attempted to use to blow up a Detroit airliner. The plot was discovered before any Americans were at risk, one counterterrorism official said, and the threat was foiled around the same time as the anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.


Rick Santorum threw his support behind presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney Monday, sending out an email to his supporters in which he endorsed the former Massachusetts governor. "Governor Romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime," Santorum wrote. The endorsement comes after the two former rivals sat down for a one-on-one meeting in Pittsburgh last week where Santorum said he shared with Romney "the issues most important to conservatives." Santorum added, "I strongly encouraged Romney that he add more conservative leaders as an integral part of his team." Santorum dropped out of the Republican primary in early April, revealing that his campaign had run up against the money and power of Romney's well-oiled machine.


European markets opened lower on Tuesday as Greece edged closer to being kicked off the euro and as voters in Greece and France revolted against harsh austerity policies. On Monday the Greek government failed to form a coalition, leaving formation of a new government in the hands of Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the far-right party that came in second place in Sunday’s elections. German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted Monday that Greece must comply with the strict terms of the November bailout—leaving many saying that the country could be expelled from the euro.


The blind activist hopes to fly to the U.S. soon in a deal struck between American and Chinese authorities—but is tormented by worry for relatives, friends, and associates who will remain in China. He discusses his concerns with Melinda Liu.

N.C. to Vote on Gay-Marriage Ban
Winston-Salem city council vows opposition to amendment.
Hundreds Protest Putin Inauguration
Two opposition leaders detained.

Peruvian Dolphins, Birds Dying
No official explanation for large number of deaths.
Prince Harry Thanks Vets
While receiving award in D.C. for humanitarian work.
Matthew Fox Arrested for DUI
Has since been released.
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