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Saturday, December 10, 2011

ScienceDaily: Top Science News

ScienceDaily: Top Science News

2010 spike in Greenland ice loss lifted bedrock, GPS reveals

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 09:32 AM PST

An unusually hot melting season in 2010 accelerated ice loss in southern Greenland by 100 billion tons – and large portions of the island's bedrock rose an additional quarter of an inch in response. That's the finding from a network of nearly 50 GPS stations planted along the Greenland coast to measure the bedrock's natural response to the ever-diminishing weight of ice above it.

Landsat satellites track Yellowstone's underground heat

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 02:57 PM PST

Yellowstone National Park sits on top of a vast, ancient, and still active volcano. Heat pours off its underground magma chamber, and is the fuel for Yellowstone's famous features -- more than 10,000 hot springs, mud pots, terraces and geysers, including Old Faithful.

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