| Geologists Pinpoint Origin of Early Stones at StonehengeA new study has found the exact origin for some of Stonehenge's oldest stones. The rocks, which may have been part of the inner ring and "horseshoe" portion of the ancient landmark, are now confirmed to have come from an outcropping of rocks in Wales called Craig Rhos-y-Felin in north Pembrokeshire -- some 160 miles from Stonehenge. While the research is a worthy discovery in its own right,it could give some clues about how the massive stone circle was constructed.Read More » |
| If You Were Wondering How Big the PS Vita Is, Wonder No LongerSony's PSP successor, the PS Vita, released in Japan over the weekend, a handful of months before the U.S. and European February 22, 2012 release date. One early adopter stacked the PS Vita up to other handheld consoles, as well as some PS Vita game boxes, to give everyone a size comparison of the new unit: It's noticeably larger when placed next to other units, but it isn't the largest one around, only slightly bigger than the PSP.Read More » |
| Watch Who You Friend On Facebook, It Could Affect Your Credit ScoreIn this day and age, it's pretty much a given that you should be keeping your social networking life somewhat under control because schools and prospective employers might be looking at it. But that's not all, banks and creditors seem to be creeping in that direction too, because why let a little free information go to waste? As it turns out, there are plenty of things that creditors might like to know about you that, legally, they can't ask, things like your race, your marital status, and whether or not you're receiving public assistance. Also, having deadbeat friends who are yapping on about their inability to afford weed on their completely public profile probably wouldn't help your case either.Read More » |
| Blue Swimmer Crab Has Sex With, Buries MateIf you're anything like me, you've probably sat at home wondering, aloud, "How, exactly, do swimming crabs -- Portunus pelagicus -- get it on?" Well, thankfully someone took it upon themselves to record a happy crab couple, and now we know for sure. Two surprises: It involves a lot of carrying and a lot of burying. Also, since these handsome critters are also known as the "blue manna crab," one wonders if they're the source of all mana potions everywhere. Video below the jump.Read More » |
| Kim Jong Il Dies, Really Unsettling and Awkward Footage of North Koreans Grieving SurfacesNorth Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, 69, died last night, reportedly due to having a heart attack during a train ride. Though we don't normally report on "normal" news, the dictator's death came with a very odd, fairly unsettling video released by North Korean state news, featuring North Koreans supposedly devastated at the loss of the dictator that most of the rest of the world couldn't be happier about losing. The almost synchronization and extreme -- if it were in a movie -- cheesy outbursts of the mourners seem a little suspect, making it all the more awkward and unsettling. Head on past the break to check out the video, complete with fists pounding the concrete and people screaming at the top of their lungs.Read More » |
| NASA May Have Found the Smallest Known Black HoleUsing data from NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, and international team of astronomers has identified what could be the smallest known black hole. The astronomers found what is considered a black hole "heartbeat," a type pf X-ray pattern, named as such due to its resemblance to an electrocardiogram. The binary system where the black hole was found, named IGR J17091-3624, consists of a normal star and a black hole that weighs less than three times the mass of our sun, which just so happens to be near what is thought to be the boundary where black holes are even possible.Read More » |
Urban Flipper: Playing Pinball on a Theater Facade [Video]Using a series of projectors and the beautiful exterior of the Théâtre des Célestins in Lyon, France, CT Light Concept transformed the theater into an enormous pinball table. The video shows three attempts at the game, some more successful than others. Also, is it just me or do those sound effects seem eerily familiar?Read More » | |
| Geekolinks: 12/18Gene Simmons apparently got hacked (LA Times)Is this stuff found in nuclear waste alive? (Reddit) First low energy bluetooth app (Mac Rumors) "I want to throw up," says first PSP Vita owner (Eurogamer) The Louis CK Window (All Things D) Kazakhstan Disables Internet (/.) LEGO introduces "Ladyfigs" (The Mary Sue) (title pic via Dorkly) Read More » |
| Britney Spears First to Snag a Million Followers on Google+Despite reports suggesting that the honeymoon might be over for Google+, an interesting milestone has surfaced regarding the Google-backed social network. Singer Britney Spears has apparently earned the distinction of being the first Google+ user to get one million followers. That's a helluva lot of circles.Read More » |
| Amazing Sculptures Made From Buttons on StringsArtist Augusto Esquivel has taken the lowly button to new heights. Instead of merely securing items of clothing, in Esquivel's hands simple buttons are used in the hundreds to create astonishing sculptures. Suspended from overhead, the button sculptures have the same form as the items they imitate, but there's a sense of fragility, and illusion along with the startling appearance.Read on for more images of Esquivel's surprising works. Read More » |
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