Should you trust the same source for your info on when to buy and sell stocks that has Kim Kardashian tweeting pics of herself and folks providing updates on their cats and what they ate for dinner that night? Well, it seems that many are turning to Twitter for stock tips - both giving them and acting upon them. Could this be not just a problem for the potential for very bad info to go viral and millions to be made or lost based upon that Tweet, but for SEC violations?
In this story from Fox Business, Dennis Kneale talks about the ups and downs of trading and buying stocks on Twitter, including how one Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson made far, far more than 50 cents touting a penny stock to his 4 million Twitter followers - perhaps as much as $8.7 million dollars! Watch below and comment here on the blog:
This may not be the end of this rap - stay tuned!
David Wyld, Professor of Management
Southeastern Louisiana University
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