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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reverse Auctions for....Ahmmm....Sexual Services: An Interesting Story from the UK

When demand D 1 is in effect, the price will b...Image via Wikipedia

Yes, no doubt that headline caught your attention! Here at The Reverse Auction Research Center (, we've covered the gamut of what can be acquired through reverse auctions. If you have followed our research, you've seen that we've chronicled the ever-expanding reach of what is "auctionable." This story however certainly stretches that limit once again, but shows demonstrably how real-time supply and demand do work in the online auction environment for procuring anything.

The story comes from the United Kingdom, sourced from the Lancashire Evening Post. It chronicles how as the economy in the area has continued to deteriorate, more and more unemployed workers, housewives, students, and even their professors have turned to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet. Now, one enterprising British entrepreneur has created a reverse auction system where those who want to buy and sell sexual services match their needs in real time. The downside - or upside - of all this (depending on which side of the transaction you might be on) is that prices are down and competition is indeed heating-up (OK, yes double-entendre intended!). You can read all the details in the complete article below:

Exposed: city’s sex for sale business

editorial image

We'll of course work diligently to keep you informed on any breaking news coming from the reverse auctions for sex front. But needless to say, this item does grab one's attention!


From the Reverse Auction Research Center:

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