This overview of The Contingency Approach to Management was prepared by Andrew Easley while a Business major in the College of Business at Southeastern Louisiana University.
This article is an explanation of how the contingency approach and its management principles effect and stimulate businesses. It is a report about how styles of management can incorporate one company, but may not be suitable for another. Also how the broad understanding of management cannot be simply categorized as one item that will work 100% of the time. This approach allows management styles to be flexible and adapt to the changes in the environment around it.
The Idea in a Nutshell
The original idea in a nutshell was that management principles where to be universally applicable for all situations. Thus bringing about the contingency approach, this states that organizations differ, are proposed with different situations, and require different types of management styles. If you were to try and sum up the contingency approach in a nutshell you would be left with no simplistic or universal rule to follow for this type of management. This concept leaves the manger up to the task of trying to determine what type of management will work best with their situation.
The Top Ten Things You Need to Know About The Contingency Approach
1. The contingency approach was brought about in the late 1950’s after thinkers who proposed that their approach was inflexible to future changes and challenged the management principles of Henri Fayol and Frederick Taylor.
2. Fred Fiedler, an early adaptor of the contingency approach suggested that leadership styles would vary depending on the situations they were placed. For example the task they were given, the trust from subordinates, and the authority granted to the manager.
3. Location of an organization is going to have adverse effects on the management principles used. If a company decides to expand its reach across the county it’s going to have to change the way it manages its people and environment from one location to the next.
4. Management of an individual is always going to be different in terms of what their idea of growth and exceptions are for themselves. Managers will have to take that into account and then decide the proper way to lead and motive that individual.
5. Environmental uncertainty plays a big factor in the contingency approach, with the ever-changing surroundings management styles must be flexible and able to adapt to things around it. Management ideas cannot be set in stone and expect to survive.
6. A good way to look at the contingency approach is with an “if, then” attitude. Start by saying “If this is my situation, then this is the best way for me to manage it.” With this sort of management style you have to rely on what you know, can figure out, and determine how to solve the problem.
7. Work place technology is ever changing and managers have to be able to adapt and respond to the changes. The way you manage a company that relies heavily on technology, such as tracking and shipping orders will not be the same as a company that uses technology as a sole purpose to send emails.
8. Diversity with clients and employees is going to always demand different forms of management techniques. Whether it is cultural or ethnicity, special care is going to be needed to manage the different individuals.
9. Size of an organization can have an effect on the way it needs to be managed. An example would be of a group of 20 people who may require an informal management approach, where as a group 1,000 people tend to be formal.
10. Managing for the future demands contingency planning. Management styles have to be able to adapt to an ever-changing future. What may work now in this current economic climate may not in the future and management philosophies must be able to adjust.
The Video Lounge
J.T. Allen, the interviewee in the video, talks about how he and his company use contingency planning to help him manage for unexpected future events.
My Take
The contingency approach is an understanding that management cannot be summed up by one perfect management style. Managers have to be able to adapt to many different situations that affect them and their work place on a daily basis. The method is still valid in today’s every changing workplace and will continue to be as long as managers are needed.
“Contingency Approach to Management.” Encyclopedia of Management. Ed. Marilyn M. Helms. Gale Cengage, 2006. 2006. 26 Jun, 2010
Coulter, Mary, and Stephen P. Robbins. Management. 10th. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson, 2009.
To contact the author of “Top Ten Management on the Contingency Approach,” please email Andrew Easley at
David C. Wyld ( is the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is a management consultant, researcher/writer, and executive educator. His blog, Wyld About Business, can be viewed at He also maintains compilations of his student’s publications regarding management concepts (, book reviews (, international foods (
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Top Ten Management on The Contingency Approach: An Overview of Why The Ultimate Answer to any Managerial Issue is - It Depends
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