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Monday, July 12, 2010

Spend Matters: The Reverse Auction Conundrum - Despite Benefits, Why Does Adoption Lag?

Here at the Reverse Auction Research Center, we previously featured a commentary by British e-procurement expert Peter Smith (

Now, our friend Jason Busch at Spend Matters has also commented on Smith's column ( Jason has an interesting take - namely asking if there is "reverse auction fatigue" (where "supply markets are 'reverse auctioned out'"?). He makes great points that we need multiple approaches, and that reverse auctions should be but one tool in the e-procurement arsenal - to be used where appropriate!

Thanks for the observations, Jason - and do yourself a favor, read and subscribe to his blog here


Reverse Auction Research Center

Spend Matters: The Reverse Auction Conundrum: Despite Benefits, Why Does Adoption Lag?


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