Shadia Drury | Free Inquiry | 25 September 2012 "It seems to me that the most important lesson that America can teach the world in the twenty-first century regards the conditions that signal the imminent demise of the democratic body politic." Here's how, and why Comments Cass Sunstein | Bloomberg | 25 September 2012 Do you know the name Sixto Rodriguez? He was an unsuccessful singer-songwriter from Detroit, who released two albums in the 1970s. He bombed. But, curiously, became huge in South Africa. Which is where social dynamics comes in Comments Bruce Bartlett | Fiscal Times | 28 September 2012 It depends who's giving the money, and what gets done with it. Here's how a lot of money channelled through Super PACs and other campaign groups gets wasted Comments Glen Charles, Les Charles, Jimmy Burrows et al | GQ | 27 September 2012 An oral history of Cheers. Ted Danson: "Women's libbers loved to hate Sam, but people who were bamboozled by women totally associated with him, [as did] people who thought they were God's gift to women" Comments Conor Friedersdorf | Atlantic | 26 September 2012 He kills civilians daily with drones in Pakistan. He approves the extrajudicial killing of American citizens. He made war in Libya without Congressional approval. He's done good things too, but that doesn't cancel out the bad ones Comments Randall Munroe | What If | 25 September 2012 "If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it change color?" Fun question, well answered. It won't work with laser pointers, but what about those searchlights mounted on police helicopters? Comments |