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Friday, August 31, 2012

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Today’s Hottest Buzz

Clint Eastwood's Epic Speech At The RNC

Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair for nearly 12 minutes tonight at the RNC in Tampa. And you thought televised political conventions were boring!

Gwen Stefani's Kids Are The Coolest Kids In Hollywood

Oh heck, maybe even THE WORLD. Kingston and Zuma are my idols.

18 Chicken Fingers That Look Like Other Things

Chicken is like a delicious Rorschach test. It can tell you a lot about yourself.


Clint Eastwood went on television and spoke to an empty chair, and the internet responded in the only way it knows how.

If The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Happened Today

A San Francisco photographer recreated — and then merged — images from more than a century apart.

Rachel Maddow Baffled By Eastwood's RNC Appearance

"That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen at a political convention in my entire life ... and it will be the weirdest thing I've ever seen if I live to be a hundred."

The Fruitcake That Penn State Feared Most

The FBI released its file on Joe Paterno last night. Amidst the creepy, violent threats (and the horrible context that led the records to be requested in the first place), a fruitcake bandit provides a moment of levity.

The Greatest Clint Eastwood Tweets

The actor went off script at the Republican National Convention today, yelled at an empty chair, lit up the crowd, and may have alarmed his TV audience. Twitter caught fire.

"Hipster Doofuses" Mocked Hard On Huge Billboard

Hard, but not very well. In Minneapolis. It's an ad for a local eatery.

The Hottest Guy On Grindr At The Republican National Convention


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