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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill: Toxic Rain in Louisiana?

Wow - if this is indeed happening in South Louisiana, this could be big - and frightening! 


Thanks again, BP! We want our lives back, too....and maybe a safe environment wouldn't be too much to ask for!



Landon Donovan GOAL VIDEO: USA Scores To Win In Stoppage Time

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

USA! USA! USA! Landon Donovan should rake in the endorsement dollars after his performance in this World Cup. If only this game had been in prime time to expose more in the U.S. to soccer, rather than just folks who were out "sick" at work or watching the video stream on their work PCs!

Great, well-deserved win for the whole U.S. team!


Barry Moltz: 10 Books for Your Entrepreneurial Library

Looking for a good summer read to help you on the path to your business dreams. My friend, Barry Moltz ( has just put out his list of 10 essentials for your entrepreneurial library:



Why Price Matters More Than Ever in Today's Economy

This is a very insightful article from noted business writer Margaret Heffernan. A Cambridge-educated CEO, Heffernan is a much-published author, with several books and articles appearing everywhere from Fast CompanyReal Business, and MORE. Click below to read her latest article from BNet Insight:

Her perspective lends great credence to the emphasis on shaving costs everywhere - especially in your procurement and supply chain operations - as consumers and business buyers alike are focused on price and value (a trend only compounded by the Great Recession). Her diaper analogy is a fascinating one!

What do you think? Let us know here at the Reverse Auction Research Center (


From the Reverse Auction Research Center:


Before You Boycott the Local BP Station...: BP boycotts hurt small station owners the most |

Before you say "I'm never buying BP gas again to give money to those British &*#%^%#&%^@&^#*$(@!&$%#U*#*@(&$&$^%......."

Here's a great story about how your great intentions may hurt the "little guy," and not BP or Tony Hayward! See the impact on the corner gas station - especially here in Louisiana, where those famous cost-cutters at BP decided to pull-out of the retail gasoline market, but didn't bother to help the small businesses take down their BP signage.


Text of story:
BP boycotts hurt small station owners the most - WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |

And across the country, even for station owners with BP-supplied gas, they are having to deal with less business and angry customers (or worse, angry passers-by). What do you think about the boycott - have you done so?

