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Monday, April 12, 2010

(Dis)Liking Standards - Do Your Job Better - The Chronicle of Higher Education

(Dis)Liking Standards - Do Your Job Better - The Chronicle of Higher Education

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Missouri State U. Faculty Members Can Now Be Reassigned Without Their Consent - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Missouri State U. Faculty Members Can Now Be Reassigned Without Their Consent - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education

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Nice Guys Finish First - from

Great commentary on the 2010 Masters from Steve Czaban - Phil won one for the good, married guys!


and watch the interview:


The West Virginia Mining Disaster and the Financial Crisis Have the Same Root Cause

Great commentary, Arianna! Drawing the connection between the lack or regulations - and consequences - in both areas!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


University Of Wisconsin, Nike Cuts Ties: Labor Concerns Spur Split

This could be the start of a major trend, as university administrators will indeed be pressured to follow Wisconsin's lead. However, with athletic budgets being under tremendous pressures these days, it will take administrators with some very real courage (and cajones) to do so!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Student sets multitasking record

Who says you can't multitask? Lauren Moore disproves this - read this article from The Daily Texan:
Student sets multitasking record | The Daily Texan

and watch (love folks who tape TV off their TV!):



Ben Roethlisberger, Grow Up! DA BLASTS Big Ben

Well said stuff by the D.A. (must be the week for Georgia elders to take young athletes tot he woodshed, witness Billy Payne and Tiger Woods). Hope he gets the message - if he doesn't, Roger Goodell will drop the NFL suspension-hammer down on him (and he may anyway, just based on Big Ben's pattern of off-field lack of judgment!)


Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Chan Ho Park: Diarrhea Caused Poor Pitching (VIDEO)

Well, at last, some real honesty - perhaps too much, yes - in sports interviews. Too much info, I agree.

But at least he's not "Belichik-ian" about this - watch:


P.S. - A breath of not-so-fresh air, I guess!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


iVillage | Kim Kardashian Twitter Mistake - iVillage

iVillage | Kim Kardashian Twitter Mistake - iVillage

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Polish President Had a Reputation for Pressuring His Pilots - Declassified Blog -

Polish President Had a Reputation for Pressuring His Pilots - Declassified Blog -

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Uh-Oh: Correlation between Wall Street - the Movie and the Crash

Believe in fiction's role in fate? Here's a very interesting article from the Business Insider with an interesting idea (and scary) - is there a correlation between Oliver Stone's Wall Street movies and market crashes?

Maybe???? Hope not.....for all of us!



Bill Simmons: Tiger Woods' comeback now begins - ESPN

Bill Simmons: Tiger Woods' comeback now begins - ESPN

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Evolving cyber threats target appliances - even digital photo frames!

OK, for all you with "Unabomber-like" fears of technology, this will convince you that all is wrong and the sky is falling.

Evolving cyber threats target appliances - Security - News

What next, hacking toasters??



America's 11 Worst Airlines: AQR (and Why Southwest is Best!)

All the more reason to be a Southwest customer! Not being a shill, just a management professor, they continue to do just about everything right (and their free baggage is just the latest example) in putting their customers first! A unique company with a unique culture that deserves - and gets - a unique level of customer loyalty!

Two great examples to watch:

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Conan O'Brien to make TBS his new late-night home - Yahoo! News

Conan O'Brien to make TBS his new late-night home - Yahoo! News

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