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Friday, August 31, 2012

Election 2012: Romney joins Obama in taking text message donations

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Romney joins Obama in taking text message donations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Small donors may find themselves in higher demand in the last few weeks of the U.S. presidential election - so far marked by the pursuit of big checks - as both campaigns are now asking for donations through a new venue: text messages.
Court overturns Ohio early voting restrictions in win for Democrats
(Reuters) - A federal judge issued a ruling on Friday that overturned early voting restrictions in Ohio, handing a victory to President Barack Obama's campaign, which had argued that the restrictions disproportionately hurt Democrats.
Eastwood, empty chair hijack Republican media coverage
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Months of careful planning for the Republican National Convention were hijacked by actor Clint Eastwood as traditional and social media erupted in a frenzy of scratched heads and parodies that experts said largely overshadowed presidential contender Mitt Romney's moment in the spotlight.
How to fill a stadium: Obama team seeks crowd for big speech
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barack Obama filled stadiums on a regular basis during his 2008 presidential campaign but has steered clear of them for his final White House bid.
Eastwood "did a unique thing last night":Ann Romney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ann Romney called Hollywood actor and director Clint Eastwood "a unique guy" after his rambling, one-sided conversation with an imaginary President Barack Obama just ahead of her husband Mitt Romney's prime-time speech at the Republican National Convention.
In testimonials, Romney's Mormon faith takes spotlight
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - They were stories of Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, the kind of stories the Republican presidential candidate has not said much about during his run for the White House.
Analysis: Romney looking for voters' respect, if not love
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Republicans unveiled several catchy slogans when they met here to nominate Mitt Romney for president. But one word kept popping up that summarized the shortcomings of their chosen candidate: "humanize."
Did Clint Eastwood lose the plot at Romney's convention?
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Republicans may have made Mitt Romney's day with the presidential nomination he long sought, but it was Dirty Harry himself who nearly hijacked the show with a rambling diatribe against President Barack Obama - addressed to an empty chair.
Romney appeals to voters disillusioned with Obama
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney urged voters on Thursday to help him rebuild the U.S. economy and create millions of new jobs, asking them to overcome their disappointment in President Barack Obama and join him in restoring the promise of America.
Florida's Rubio cements role as future of Republican party
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio made his first major speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, and his eloquence and ease on stage suggested it won't be his last.
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