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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Top Stories from the last 24 hours
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How Will You Defeat Black Friday?

November 20th, 2012Top StoryHow Will You Defeat Black Friday?
Walmart, the ninth circle of Black Friday Hell, looks like it will be even more nightmarish than usual, and "usual" is that someone gets trampled to death. Lots of retailers are planning to open Thanksgiving night. Many stores have already been open for weeks. It's bedlam, but less organized. How will you defeat the great Black shadow looming over Thanksgiving? With the use of Gawker's handy shopping guide. 50 Shades of BlackThere are many kinds of Black Friday shoppers, and the very first thing you must do is identify your type. The quickest way to learn your type is to determine the emotion you feel when you hear the words "Black Friday." Do you feel:
OHMYGOD, I DON'T HAVE A PLANCalm down. You do have a plan. We're making the plan now. You are pretty much directly in the middle of the plan.
The State of the Wii U, Just Three Days In

November 20th, 2012Top StoryThe State of the Wii U, Just Three Days In
Just as new issues are being discovered some of its problems are already being addressed. The state of the Wii U seems likely shift day by day. Here on day three, here's what's going right, what's going wrong, and what needs to change. Good
Needs Fixing ASAP
It's good to see that the Wii U was packed with ambition. It's understandable that in reaching further on day one than probably any other console maker ever has, Nintendo has made several gaffes. It's gratifying to see some problems already being fixed and to see functionality improving. It's nevertheless worrisome that some issues may be inherent to the machine, and it's disappointing to see that in cases like Wii backwards compatibility, Nintendo has delivered an experience that technically fulfills its promise but doesn't provide an ideal user experience. The Wii U is no more shaky at launch than the PS3 or the 360. All these machines sputter at take-off before they soar. There's potential here. Let's hope there are no fatal flaws and that Nintendo prepares to be a proper pilot for the journey that many people have already spent a lot of money to be a part of. |