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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill: Media Access 'Slowly Being Strangled Off'

BP LogoImage via Wikipedia

This is why freedom of the press is the most important right we possess in America. It is indeed up to all of us to see - and demand - that this be upheld. Without the truth, we are really at the mercy of the powerful. Let's make sure we have full media coverage of the impact of the oil spill and BP's actions - today and into the future - as this tragedy unfolds.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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Kendry Morales Injury: Injured After Game-Winning Grand Slam

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Gotta watch those celebrations, kids! Show this video to all youth players - yes, an unfortunate accident, but it could have been avoided by just not showboating!


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BP Says So Far, Gulf Well Plug Isn't Working

Film poster "Plan 9 from Outer Space"Image via Wikipedia

Unfortunately, we're not surprised here in Louisiana. BP engineers seem to be a not-so-funny oxymoron. Plan B - they only have two plans??? Time for the military to take charge - after their "dog and pony" on Friday to stage a "massive" clean-up effort to impress President Obama, it's obvious that BP is more interested in PR than clean-up (even though they are not doing an even poor job of either at this point!).

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


P.S. Time for Plan 9 from Outer Space??

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David Huff Hit In Head By Alex Rodriguez Line Drive

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Our thoughts go out to David Huff, his family and his teammates - that was a scary image! With a son who pitches, you always fear a moment like this (of course, the kids hitting off him at 11 aren't pumped-up like A-Rod!).

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BP Oil Spill Protest At Gas Station In New York City (VIDEO)

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

We'll see more of this - but it's right now an unfocused anger - a foreign company (BP), an offshore calamity - however, I do feel like James Carville that we will see some real, sustained movement on this - at least all of us in Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast certainly hope so!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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