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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Calorie Counts Coming to Restaurant Menus

OK, one of the least-noticed aspects of health care reform will have restaurant chains having to do a good bit of work on the menus (both the food and the boards). Watch this 1Cast for a good backgrounder on this:



1 in 10 Chinese adults is diabetic, study finds - Diabetes-

1 in 10 Chinese adults is diabetic, study finds - Diabetes-

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When Success Follows the College Rejection Letter -

When Success Follows the College Rejection Letter -

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Postal Service Moves Toward Five-Day Delivery -

Postal Service Moves Toward Five-Day Delivery -

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Warning for man accused over airport breast X-ray

Warning for man accused over airport breast X-ray

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Wash. school closes for a ‘sun day’ - Education-

Wash. school closes for a ‘sun day’ - Education-

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Career Advice from Ricky Nelson

In times of turbulence and tumult, remember this great career advice from Ricky Nelson:

Hang in there!



What Celebrities Earn per Tweet

$10,000 for 140 characters - believe it or not, some celebrities make that for each tweet they send (what a wonderful world - if you are so lucky!).

Who makes what for their Twitter-ing? Read the article below from the Business Insider:

Would you mind being paid "per tweet"? Is it ethical - well, I'd take $5 or $10 myself!



NYU Plans Huge Expansion

Well, in the midst of a downturn overall in the higher ed market, one school is taking an aggressive approach. Not only are they greatly expanding their NYC footprint, but they are doing so abroad as well. Kudos for taking the leap!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Tom Peters: The Master is Back

OK kiddies, going "old school" on ya. But, the master is back! Tom Peters has come out with a new book, The Little Big Things: 163 Ways To Pursue Excellence, and it is great. Read the article about it from the Business Insider below:



The Onside Kick: NFL to Kickers: Go to Hell!

The Onside Kick: NFL to Kickers: Go to Hell!

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