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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BP Oil Spill Video To Show 'Top Kill' Plug Attempt: Company Bows To Pressure, Agrees To Show Footage

State of affairs in 2010 - people will be glued to their TVs and their computers watching this operation 5000 feet down with robots doing the work - amazing technology - just too bad there wasn't this kind of thought put in to preventing or finally capping the oil spill!

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Cell Phone Number Suspended After Three Users Die In 10 Years

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

This certainly makes one feel that there may be something to numerology - beware the ocho!

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Ann Curry 'Mortified' Over Wheaton College Mistake

xkcd webcomic 285 entitled "Wikipedian Pr...Image via Wikipedia

Reason #1 why it is so very important to check your facts, especially if you Googled Wikipedia on the way there for the speech. An example to us all!

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SPECIAL REPORT-Civil fine in Gulf spill could be $4,300 barrel | Reuters

BP oil spill graffiti in Key WestImage by tsand via Flickr

Hey - so this is why BP wants to dispute all the reputable scientific estimates that have the rate of the spill far higher than their 5,000 barrel a day estimate.

SPECIAL REPORT-Civil fine in Gulf spill could be $4,300 barrel | Reuters

No matter how many billions and billions they do end up paying (and politically, our leaders have to find a way to make BP pay), no amount of money can bring back the destroyed ecosystem and destroyed livelihoods that have been caused by their negligence in this oil spill.


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Pfizer Rapamune Lawsuit: Pharma Giant's Subsidiary Accused Of Targeting 'High-Risk' Black Patients For Unapproved Use Of Drug

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

Can anybody say "Tuskegee Experiments?" (Wikipedia that if you must...). This could be a PR disaster for Pfizer...if the story gets any traction in the midst of the rightful news flurry over the oil spill in the Gulf.

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Wyoming Judge Blocks News Stories On College President's Trip

Cocles, Costa RicaImage by guillermo.d via Flickr

Wow, must have been one heckuva trip for that Wyoming college president down in Costa Rica. Must be some smoke there for them to have went to this much trouble to try and bury the story. Keep tuned....sure the order will be reverse based on long-standing legal precedent and we will find out if it was a "bimbo eruption" or a "Margaritaville situation"!

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Gulf Oil Spill: Obama To Aides - 'Plug The Damn Hole'

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipedia

If this "top kill" method (don't you love how we all become cable TV commentator-level experts at times like this) doesn't work and this oil spill continues to spew muck until mid-August when the relief well is finished, we may see that failing to "plug the damn hole" may indeed be this President's downfall. Shows that we definitely have not learned the lessons of Katrina in any way, shape or form!

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Gulf Oil Spill: A Look at What is Under the Oil Sheen - Be Very Scared!

Great story from "Good Morning America" (really). Watch this segment with Sam Champion as he goes on a dive under the oil sheen on the surface to see the mix of oil and dispersant far below. Bad, bad sign of what is out there and moving toward the shores. Pity the fish who swims through this!


Thanks, BP!



Sexual Assault On Plane: Ramesh Advani Arrested For Sexually Abusing Passenger On Continental Flight

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

Book'em Dano! Not a cool move - the only question I'd have is jurisdiction when something like this happens on an international flight. Is it U.S. because the flight ended here and it was a U.S. carrier (Continental Airlines), or is it Hong Kong because the flight originated there? Might it be "where" the assault might have taken place during the course of the flight? An interesting international law case - but certainly, our thoughts go out to the woman for this horrible violation. May spur new regulations for those hours on an international overseas flight where the flight crew disappears from the cabin for the most part. Big settlement coming her way from Continental!

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Lost: Creators Offer Up Shocking Alternate Endings (VIDEO)

From left to right: Faraday, Boone, Miles, Mic...Image via Wikipedia

Not even a "Lost" fan, but these are hilarious. Even us non-Losties will laugh a lot to this! Enjoy...


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