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Monday, February 14, 2011

Multilingualism in Science Education


Language as a distinctly human tool for communication plays a pivotal role in the acquisition of basic and fundamental competencies to help a person navigate the ocean of data that defines our human environment. That is why a person born into this world deprived of the opportunity to learn a language has no way of growing up into a normal human being. Language is the instrument through which a human being acquires power over nature by naming the objects around him putting things under his control.

We have gone quite far from the primitive times when a person was confined to the life of the tribe where one belongs. At that time the only language a person knew was his own and that gave him additional tools for survival especially when the tribe was threatened by forces beyond the individual’s control. Group action was facilitated by their common understanding of things through the words they used to communicate with each other. But as migration took place with the inevitable dominance of the stronger group over the weaker ones, the language of the vanquished became one of the casualties that put them in a subjugated condition. Their language would become subsequently extinct and they eventually weresubsumed to the life and customs of the victors including the use of their language. We could therefore say that it is language that defines the identity of a people and without it they lose the right to exist as a distinct group.

Though as stated earlier we have already gone quite far from those prehistoric episodes, we still can see and palpably feel the disturbing impact whenever the language of a particular group of people is not accorded the primacy which it properly possesses. The clash between conquerors and conquered may not be physically visible but the mindset it develops in the consciousness of those who have experienced subjugation remains a potent force to reckon with.

The Philippine experience concerning this issue is a case in point. After a painfully shameful and long series of foreign dominations we were made to believe as a given fact that our mother tongue is not fit to be used as medium of instruction in the acquisition of basic and more so of highly specialized disciplines that would make one educated and acquire the prestige and privileges that goes with it. The dominant elite who are on top of the pyramid of power instinctively feel that to be educated means the ability and facility to use the language of the conquerors expressing their sub- conscious desires to stand in equal footing with these power figures by mimicking their language. This long held assumption however has been proven to be disastrous in acquiring real education. The Philippine educational scenario especially in science education stands out as a sore thumb when seen in relation to our immediate neighboring countries. While China, Korea, Singapore and the rest of our neighbors have taken off towards industrialization using their native tongues as the medium of instruction including science, here comes the Philippines whose conservative elite which still wield considerable power in the promulgation of educational policies still insist on sticking to the use of English in all levels of our educational system to bring us to our dream of becoming industrialized. The painful fact however is that we have not developed as expected but instead we have slid down in the ladder of economic development.

Although the Department of Education is bent on pushing through in implementing the Mother Tongue Multilanguage Approach in the Elementary and in the High School levels it is still besieged with problems like broader social reconstruction, teacher training and development, shift in language attitude and inaction.

I am fully convinced that using the mother tongue as the principal medium of instruction in all subject areas both in the elementary and in the high school is the best way to extricate ourselves from the quandary we have fallen into. Enough evidence can be gleaned which is upheld and validated even by UNESCO that the most effective method of learning is through the use of the mother tongue. Once the basic foundation has been solidly established it would now be the most opportune time to go into multilingualism to broaden the horizon of the individual. This is what China is doing right now. After mastering the fundamentals and laying the groundwork of a stable economy they are now in the stage of mastering English to expand further their areas of competence and thus extend their areas of influence.

December Reverie


While everything flows with the sweet smell of the breath of time,

I listen to the rustling of the leaves in the high noon sun.

And because it was December the silence was broken by the blast

Of homemade cannons, splitting my ears while gripping my heart.

A strange thought occurred to me that the supposed whirling

Of the electrons around the nucleus of the atom no one has ever seen.

What we see is the solidity of things so we can touch and even smell them.

And so they become real as we suppose them to be.

But all these like chameleons change after the passing of each day.

Are they really what they are when nobody is looking as Berkeley would love to say?

Do we not while awake spin a deeper mystery that even the wildest

Dream never managed nor dared to play?

For in truth waking or dreaming is not equipped with the power to see

The core of reality. Both stand mute and aghast at the mystery

That grows even deeper with each passing day. Is it not far better

To slumber in the depths of the womb of a dream than to be awake and walk

In ignorance under the shadow of the valley of death?

Ampatuan: Massacre of Journalists of the Decade


In our march towards freedom and unity,

Shortcuts can never replace

Hard earned lessons put into place,

Or reap the fruits abundant in calamity.

In our desire to hold power

In the palm of our hands,

We concoct devices, plans

That even the devil frightfully dives for cover.

Nothing is left to chance,

So we separate the boys from the men,

Even if peace and justice jointly cry to high heavens.

Both are outweighed in the crucible out of balance.

The moment came somewhere along the way,

When the fuse just can no longer hold

The pent-up violence about to explode.

And when the triggers were pulled, mayhem ruled the day.

Fifty seven lives or even more

Is just a little token to the gods with insatiable lust for blood.

Then we cry to the highest heavens with tears of blood

And point accusing fingers to her who also loves to climb the sycamore.

We grieved even more for the innocents,

Especially those who had to join the caravan

To earn a little to stir the frying pan.

Little did they know that shooting them dead was just a petty inconvenience.

Now we have to wake up and make our resolve,

That the only way to do it right,

Is to set the fire of justice burning bright,

And never ever the bloodthirsty brutish liars absolve.

For time is running out on us,

To catch up or be left behind.

For repeating the grievous faults that make us blind,

Is like exploring unchartered seas without as much as a compass.

The Great Balancing Act


Isn’t it strange that one third of the six billion strong population of the world is in a panic mode shedding off those extra pounds while more than half of the population is starving? Actually, both groups are suffering; one from obesity with its legion of related diseases the other from severe malnutrition which is equally fatal.

Your attitude towards both problems depends on which side of the fence you are standing on. If you are from the developed world, you think of the most ingenious ways to help you lose weight. You can even design a method on how to get ripped in 90 days or even less. There is a deluge of information and advices telling one and all how to lose weigh even while living the dolce vita. On the other hand, the perennially starving multitude who live on the other side of the have-have not divide are so emaciated and weakened to even consider if they would be able to survive for another day.

This problem has been staring at us at the face for decades. A lot of proposals to bridge the gap have been offered but it seems nothing significant is taking place. The number of obese in the developed countries is increasing just as the number of deaths due to starvation in the developing countries keeps on rising.

A great imbalance indeed is the big culprit. Yet the plain fact is that one group is dying of over nourishment while the other is wasting way with extreme undernourishment. There has got to be a balance somewhere. Lifestyles must be changed. Unless this happens no amount of superficial solution is going to work for us.

Maybe we can ship that extra poundage of food from the storage bins of the extremely overfed population to the empty tables of the severely malnourished. And instead of throwing tons of unconsumed food to the garbage boxes why not share them to the millions of hungry children the world over.

I have nothing against those who are sweating it out to lose that extra weight. It is just that perhaps a deeper motive is needed why you undergo a dieting or even a fasting regimen. Diet for a cause just might be more effective for losing weight than just plain staying fit. Global lifestyle changes might just be the answer to this knotty problem.

A speech in honor of a successful former student

A speech in honor of a successful former student

Barely five years ago, I used to ask my students in my English classes to visualize themselves 5 to 10 years hence. It was a composition writing activity so the reaction was varied; those who were really good at writing welcomed the activity with gusto but, for those who were a little bit uninterested just did it for compliance.

In that particular activity, I could remember how I got struck with one student’s composition. How I got impressed with her style but more strikingly I was mesmerized by the substance of her work, a simple girl visualizing her dream for her and for her family. I was touched by the wisdom of her message, how it reflected her desire to give her parents and her siblings a more comfortable and a happier life. As their teacher, I called the writer to read her work to her classmates, and that started my personal admiration for this particular student. She was just a nonchalant, low-profile typical MSUan and never did I know the details of her personal circumstance. The following year, she graduated and that ended my contact with this student.

Four years later, we were shaken by the news of the untimely demise of our student’s father; hardly did I realize it was the father of my student who submitted to me a very impressive composition. How I felt so sorry for a temporary breakdown of her dream; all I knew she worked hard for her studies because she wanted to give the best to her parents and to her siblings. Though I haven’t seen her personally anymore, somehow I felt the surmounting grief, the family must have been undergoing that time. Only then I learned that her father was a manager of a bank which added my admiration more for her because she was living just a very ordinary life then as a high school student. How she used to live a frugal life despite their financial status.

And just last Wednesday, when I opened my FB, a familiar name of a sender landed in my account. I was not able to recall right away who this particular sender was, not until she introduced, “Ma’am, studyante nyo po ako sa hi-skul noon”, only then that I slowly retrieved from my memory cabinet – the memory of once a very simple student who touched my heart when she wrote about what she would like to become and why she would like to become such in the future . She asked me if I could come to her thanksgiving party, so without hesitation, I said yes.

Congratulations! Thank you for looking back and I, being one of your high school mentors, am proud to be a part in the fulfillment of your dreams.

This is not the end yet. You are just starting to climb and reach for more stars. Move on, strive harder to reach the higher stars but be sure to look back, many are pushing you to go higher.

Norville, once again , on behalf of your MSU-CETD family, please accept my warmest congratulations and prayers that God give you more years to realize the dream you visualized five years ago.

Speech in honor of a former student

A speech in honor of a successful former student

Barely five years ago, I used to ask my students in my English classes to visualize themselves 5 to 10 years hence. It was a composition writing activity so the reaction was varied; those who were really good at writing welcomed the activity with gusto but, for those who were a little bit uninterested just did it for compliance.

In that particular activity, I could remember how I got struck with one student’s composition. How I got impressed with her style but more strikingly I was mesmerized by the substance of her work, a simple girl visualizing her dream for her and for her family. I was touched by the wisdom of her message, how it reflected her desire to give her parents and her siblings a more comfortable and a happier life. As their teacher, I called the writer to read her work to her classmates, and that started my personal admiration for this particular student. She was just a nonchalant, low-profile typical MSUan and never did I know the details of her personal circumstance. The following year, she graduated and that ended my contact with this student.

Four years later, we were shaken by the news of the untimely demise of our student’s father; hardly did I realize it was the father of my student who submitted to me a very impressive composition. How I felt so sorry for a temporary breakdown of her dream; all I knew she worked hard for her studies because she wanted to give the best to her parents and to her siblings. Though I haven’t seen her personally anymore, somehow I felt the surmounting grief, the family must have been undergoing that time. Only then I learned that her father was a manager of a bank which added my admiration more for her because she was living just a very ordinary life then as a high school student. How she used to live a frugal life despite their financial status.

And just last Wednesday, when I opened my FB, a familiar name of a sender landed in my account. I was not able to recall right away who this particular sender was, not until she introduced, “Ma’am, studyante nyo po ako sa hi-skul noon”, only then that I slowly retrieved from my memory cabinet – the memory of once a very simple student who touched my heart when she wrote about what she would like to become and why she would like to become such in the future . She asked me if I could come to her thanksgiving party, so without hesitation, I said yes.

Congratulations! Thank you for looking back and I, being one of your high school mentors, am proud to be a part in the fulfillment of your dreams.

This is not the end yet. You are just starting to climb and reach for more stars. Move on, strive harder to reach the higher stars but be sure to look back, many are pushing you to go higher.

Norville, once again , on behalf of your MSU-CETD family, please accept my warmest congratulations and prayers that God give you more years to realize the dream you visualized five years ago.