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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Election 2012: Obama debate win unlikely to shift race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Obama debate win unlikely to shift race: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Voters say U.S. President Barack Obama did a better job than Republican Mitt Romney in Monday's debate but their opinions of each candidate did not shift significantly, according to Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.
After final debate, Obama says election comes down to trust
DELRAY BEACH, Florida (Reuters) - President Barack Obama warned voters on Tuesday that Republican rival Mitt Romney cannot be trusted to deal honestly with the public as the presidential campaign shifted from televised confrontation to a frantic dash for votes.
Obama holds narrow edge two weeks ahead of election: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama pulled slightly ahead of Republican Mitt Romney in a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll on Tuesday, but the race remained essentially tied with two weeks to go until the November 6 election.
Guantanamo prisoners tuned in for Obama-Romney debate
GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba (Reuters) - A few dozen Guantanamo prisoners were among the millions who tuned in for the U.S. presidential debate on Monday night.
Supreme Court won't block Montana campaign law ahead of vote
(Reuters) - The Supreme Court refused on Tuesday to step in to block a Montana law limiting campaign contributions to candidates for state office, leaving the caps in place at least through the November general election.
Obama's vow against automatic cuts surprises Washington
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama caught Capitol Hill by surprise with his comment that automatic spending cuts looming in January "will not happen," kindling hope among Democrats but doubt among Republicans that he has a viable plan to replace them.
Analysis: In foreign policy debate, Romney and Obama get domestic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It was billed as a debate on foreign policy, but that did not stop Democratic President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, from sparring repeatedly on issues that polls indicate are more important to voters: the economy and jobs.
Fact-checking Obama and Romney in the U.S. presidential debate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, faced off on Monday in their last debate before the November 6 presidential election. Here is some fact-checking of claims made by the two candidates.
Romney praises Obama foreign policy rather than burying it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At times, it was as if Mitt Romney had come to praise Barack Obama's foreign policy rather than to bury it.
Romney pulls his punches on Libya in final debate
BOCA RATON, Florida (Reuters) - Mitt Romney passed up on his last best chance to put President Barack Obama on the defensive over his handling of a deadly September 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Libya when the Republican challenger held fire on the issue in their final debate on Monday.
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