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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BuzzFeed Politics: Obama Says To Look At "Videotape" For His Flip-Flops And More!

Obama Says To Look At "Videotape" For His Flip-Flops

The President hit Mitt Romney for flip-flopping today on the campaign trail in Iowa saying you can look at videotape of his past positions and not see flip-flops. The President, however, has engaged in his own of political gymnastics as well.

How Mitt Romney Gets So Tan

A source lets BuzzFeed in on a campaign mystery: It's a spray tan. "It's not like Mitt Romney can go chill out on a beach right now; he needs a quick fix."

Donald Trump Makes Obama An Offer He Can't Refuse, Which Obama Will Most Assuredly Refuse

He even gives a timeline for his demands, like any decent movie villain.

Romney Campaign Says He Disagrees With Mourdock's Rape Comments

Won't say if he still endorses.

Kids Adorably Photobomb President Obama

The perfect moment to kiss your sweetheart.

Biden To Crying Baby: "Don't Worry, Romney Won't Win"

"I don't blame that baby for crying. She just realized what it means if Romney gets elected."

Sarah Palin Says Obama Does The "Shuck And Jive"

The phrase landed Andrew Cuomo in hot water in 2008 when he used it to reference Obama.

Romney Stands By Candidate Who Said Pregnancy From Rape Is What "God Intended"

"We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest."

Staples Founder's Ex-Wife Blasted "Crazy" Mormonism

Maureen Stemberg is going after the Republican in court in Boston today.

Mitt Romney Gets Choked Up In Colorado

A rare moment of emotion on the trail, as the candidate lets the cheers of a huge, adoring crowd at Red Rocks Amphitheater wash over him.

Third-Party Candidates Long On Substance, Short On Chances

"Neither of them talk about catastrophic climate change and neither of them talk about poverty," Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson says of Obama and Romney.

Akin Goes To War With The Press

He wants a pair of McCaskill stories covered. The Post-Dispatch assures: "If there's a story there, you can be sure we'll run with it."

Obama: If I Win, It's Because Of Latinos

"Confident" on immigration reform in the next year, if he's re-elected.

Why Both Candidates Are Claiming Victory

"Supercharged," says Romney. "We're going to win," says Plouffe.

Republicans Lead In Spending Wars

Who's spending $880 Million on television for the presidential election.

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