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Monday, September 17, 2012

Election 2012: Obama's lead over Romney narrows to 5 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Obama's lead over Romney narrows to 5 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's lead over Republican Mitt Romney narrowed to 5 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday, from a high of seven points in the week after the Democratic National Convention.
Democrat Warren leads in two Massachusetts Senate polls
BOSTON (Reuters) - Two new surveys show Democrat Elizabeth Warren ahead of incumbent Republican Scott Brown in the race for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, one of the year's most costly and closely watched Congressional contests.
Romney retools strategy, dismisses report of disarray
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After a difficult week that sparked a burst of Republican hand-wringing, Mitt Romney's campaign team fought back on Monday against a report of disarray in his inner circle and promised to retool his message with more specifics of his policies.
Obama crams for debates, works on being concise
CHICAGO (Reuters) - On long flights to swing states in the West and late nights at the White House after his children have gone to bed, President Barack Obama is cramming like a student for a test that could determine his political future.
Romney to pledge to fix troubled U.S. immigration system
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pledge to Hispanics on Monday that if elected he will fix the troubled U.S. immigration system in an appeal to a rising voter bloc that overwhelmingly favors Democratic President Barack Obama.
Groups race against time to get Florida voters registered
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Voting-rights groups that virtually stopped registering voters in Florida for a year as they challenged the state's new restrictions on elections now are scrambling to get people there registered for the November 6 election.
Romney cancels Colorado event due to crash probe at airport
BURLINGTON, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was forced to cancel a campaign event in Colorado on Sunday due to the investigation of a small plane crash at the airport he was to use.
Don't kiss up to politicians, says Clint Eastwood
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Clint Eastwood said on Friday that the aim of his widely publicized speech to the Republican National Convention was to urge Americans to stop idolizing politicians - of any party.
Ryan, taking hard line, vows to repeal Obama healthcare law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, taking a harder line than running mate Mitt Romney on President Barack Obama's healthcare law, vowed on Friday that their administration would repeal it as soon as they take office.
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