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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Election 2012: Gingrich formally ends tumultuous White House bid

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
Gingrich formally ends tumultuous White House bid
ARLINGTON, Virginia (Reuters) - Newt Gingrich ended his tumultuous run for U.S. president on Wednesday after dazzling in televised debates but winning only two of the dozens of nominating contests in the Republican primary race.
Obama "playing defense," but has advantage on electoral map
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The battle for the White House is still in its early, often silly stages - a time when issues such as the economy and national security can be overshadowed by spats over which candidate would be better for dogs.
Political parties ignore Asian Americans: poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The fast-growing Asian American community is largely untapped by the presidential candidates and their political parties even though they are expected to vote in record numbers this fall, an opinion poll showed on Tuesday.
Romney foreign policy spokesman resigns under fire
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney's foreign policy spokesman, Richard Grenell, has resigned after only a brief stint on Romney's presidential campaign.
Romney accuses Obama of politicizing bin Laden anniversary
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney accused Barack Obama of politicizing the killing of Osama bin Laden, while the U.S. president flew to Afghanistan on the first anniversary of the daring raid.
Ann Romney on Mitt: "a wild and crazy man inside"
"He's not. He's funny," Ann Romney, the Republican presidential candidate's wife, told "CBS This Morning" on Tuesday, defending her husband against public perceptions that he is inaccessible and has a "likeability gap" with voters.
After doubts, some evangelical leaders put faith in Romney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In October, Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress ignited a firestorm by calling Mormonism a "cult" and telling Republicans not to vote for Mitt Romney because the presidential aspirant was not a "competent Christian."
Obama slams Romney for changing tune on bin Laden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday reminded Americans that his likely Republican opponent in the November election had been lukewarm about targeting Osama bin Laden, seeking to gain political advantage from the killing of the al Qaeda leader.
Obama and Bill Clinton campaign together on economy
MCLEAN, Virginia (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton gave a rousing endorsement of fellow Democrat Barack Obama in his first 2012 campaign appearance with the president on Sunday night, and helped him raise more than $2 million.
Watch live: Gingrich officially bows out
Gingrich is expected to officially suspend his campaign with a speech at the Arlington Hilton hotel in Washington at 3pm ET.
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