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Sunday, March 30, 2014


That's my raise? Great. People who work in offices seriously need these hashtags.

Let's hope this makes it easier to get through the day.


Marriage equality passed in the United Kingdom, and the first same-sex marriages took place on Saturday. The pictures from the weddings are absolutely heartwarming.


If you're having a bad day, don't worry: You are not alone. These cats understand what you are going through.


Speaking of bad days: These kids will make you happy that you're not their parent.


So many different flavors. So many different toppings. The struggle of getting self-serve frozen yogurt is real.


Age 33 will probably be the best year of your 30s. Unfortunately, 35 is whole different story.


This two-legged dog can run really, really fast. This video of him at the beach is adorable and inspirational.


And lastly: Tattoos last a lifetime. Unfortunately, their message might not. These people are learning that lesson the hard way.

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