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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Could Be Worse!

If you're ever having a bad day, think about these kangaroos. They'll make everything better.

21 Kangaroos Having A Way Worse Day Than You

Think you're having a tough day? Just remember these kangaroo lovers who got interrupted.

haha whoops


What "trendy" thing would you really love if you actually tried it? It's time to find out.


A Pixar artist took these classic R-rated film scenes. He drew them. And they became a children's book.


Here's to you, gold medal skaters Meryl and Charlie. You're the Disney prince and princess of the Olympics.


Also, say a quick hello to Gus Kenworthy. He might just be the Olympian of your dreams.


What do cats think about on an average day? We've actually started to get some answers.


Cards Against Humanity is a great game. But these nerdy cards would make it even better.


Forget everything you know about cereal. There are way more fun ways to eat your favorite breakfast food.


And finally: Thanks, Mr. Rogers. Thanks for reminding us that we can do anything.

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